Ezell_DianneN. Dianne Bull Ezell has a Masters and Ph. D from the University of Tennessee. She has been an employee of Oak Ridge National Laboratory since 2010. Her research interests are system integration though microelectronics and signal processing. While working at ORNL, projects she has worked on a wide range of projects including nuclear instrumentation, nuclear imaging, hybrid electric vehicle technology, integrated sensors, and energy efficient product development and verification.  Dianne has been an active member of IEEE for over 10 years. She she served in the East Tennessee Section as Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Student Activities Chair, and Treasurer/Secretary (since 2016). Dianne believes that the involvement of IEEE in the local STEM community is very important. She has volunteered as a mentor for FIRST robotics and judge at the Tennessee Science Bowl for the last 5 years. Dianne is also interested in the development of Women in Engineering (WIE) and is hoping to start a new group within the East TN Section.