Make IEEE East Tennessee Section your Professional Home.

  • Meet your fellow IEEE East Tennessee Section members at Upcoming Events.
  • Find a mentor at the MentorCentre.
  • Build your knowledge by attending East Tennessee Section technical meetings, industry tours and technical demonstrations.
  • Build your community by joining or starting an IEEE Society Chapter that shares your interests and that is located in the East Tennessee Section’s geographical area.
  • Build your network of IEEE contacts by using your myIEEE Portal to locate IEEE members around the world.
  • Build your profession by participating in East Tennessee Section Professional Development activities as well as volunteering to represent the Section at IEEE conferences and regional events.
  • Build your resume, curriculum vitae, or earn professional credits by
    1. attending an IEEE conference, webinar, or technical meeting;
    2. presenting a paper at an IEEE conference;
    3. participating as a member of an IEEE technical standards committee;
    4. becoming a volunteer in an IEEE Section or other units;
    5. subscribing to any of the many IEEE journals, transactions, papers, books, and so much more;
    6. becoming a mentor or participating in IEEE events such as Engineers Week or competitions such as First Robotics;
    7. becoming a consultant for schools, teachers-in-service, industry, and communities;
    8. taking part in IEEE sponsored humanitarian efforts, competitions, and boards;
    9. securing an IEEE grant to support innovations that will advance technology to benefit humanity;
    10. accessing the IEEE ResumeLab and IEEE JobSite for career management;
    11. participating in the various blogs, surveys, and other professional activities.

NOTE: There are additional benefits and opportunities available to you via IEEE, e.g. financial, insurance, and travel services; discounts; elevated membership grades; volunteer opportunities; industry recognition and awards; your IEEE membership certificate, etc.