Terry is a graduate of Lowell Technological Institute (now University of Massachusetts Lowell). He worked in computer hardware and software design and development for 25 years including 10 years in technical management. He was instrumental in the design of computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems while with Intergraph Corporation in Huntsville, AL. He retired from Intergraph in 1993 as an Executive Technical Manager.
IEEE Membership: Student Member 1966, Member 1968, Senior Member 2005, Life Senior Member 2011. IEEE Volunteer History: East Tennessee Section Secretary/ Treasurer 2006, East Tennessee Section Vice Chair 2007, East Tennessee Section Chair 2008-2009, Region 3 Tennessee Council Secretary/Treasurer 2008, East Tennessee Section Webmaster 2006-2018. East Tennessee Section Life Member Affinity Group Chair since 2013.