Piedmont Section Bylaws
Nothing in these Bylaws is to be construed to be contrary to the
IEEE Constitution and Bylaws.
Name and Territory
Sec. 1 This organization will be known as the Piedmont Section,
South Carolina, of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Sec. 2 The territory of the Piedmont Section, as designated by
the Regional Activities Board, includes the following counties
in the State of South Carolina: Abbeville, Anderson, Cherokee,
Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg,
and Union.
Sec. 1 Elected officers of the Section will be a Chairman, a
Vice Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Sec. 2 Offices of Section Chairman and Vice Chairman will
normally be filled by a member who has served at least one full
year as a Section officer in the Piedmont Section. Offices of
Section Treasurer and Section Secretary will normally be filled
by a member who has served at least one full year on the Section
Executive Committee.
Sec. 3 The term of office of the elected officers will be one
(1) year and will begin January 1 and end December 31; but in
any case, will continue until their successors are duly elected
and take office. Normally, new officers will take office during
a Section Executive Committee Meeting held in January. The
outgoing and incoming Executive Committee members will attend
the meeting.
Sec. 4 The Vice Chairman shall succeed the Chairman should a
vacancy occur. Any other vacancy occurring during the year
shall be filled by a majority vote of the Section Executive
Sec. 5 Duties of the elected officers will be as described in
the IEEE Bylaws and in the Section Manual.
Standing Committees
Sec. 1 Standing Committees of the Section will be as follows:
Membership and Transfers
Student Activities
Publications & Publicity
Jets & Career Guidance
Society/Group chapter Organization
Other committees may be authorized by the Section Executive
Sec. 2 Chairmen of the Standing Committees (except the Executive
Committee) will be appointed by the Section Chairman with the
approval of the Section Executive Committee, and their terms
will expire on December 31 (except for Student Activities
Sec. 3 Student Activities Committee Chairman will be appointed
for a term July 1 through June 30 to coincide with school year.
Sec. 4 Each Committee Chairman (except the Nominating Committee)
will appoint his committee members with the approval of the
Section Executive Committee.
Sec. 5 Duties of Standing Committees will be generally as
described in the IEEE Section Manual. Special duties may be
assigned by the Section Chairman.
Sec. 1 Management of the Section will be by the Section
Executive Committee which will consist of the elected officers,
the Junior Past Section Chairman, the Chairman of Section
Standing committees, and Student Branch Chairmen within the
territory of the section. Any group/ society chapters formed
within the Section shall have representation on the Section
Executive Committee.
Sec. 2 A majority of the Section Executive Committee will
constitute a quorum which will be necessary to conduct business.
Sec. 3 Meetings of the Section Executive Committee will
ordinarily be held at least quarterly and will be called by the
Section Chairman or by request of any three members of the
Section Executive Committee.
Sec. 4 The fiscal year of the Section will January 1 through
December 31.
Sec. 5 The Section Chairman will be responsible to assure that
the Section operates according to Section Bylaws, IEEE
Constitution and Bylaws.
Nomination and Election of Officers
Sec. 1 A Nominating Committee consisting of four (4) or more
members, not then elected officers of the Section, will be
appointed by the Section Chairman with the approval of the
Section Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee Chairman
will normally be the Section Junior Past Chairman.
Sec. 2 The Section Nominating Committee will contact the
prospective candidates for Section offices and verify their
willingness and ability to accept the office, should they be
elected, prior to publishing nominees' names.
Sec. 3 The Nominating Committee's report should be in the hands
of the Secretary by the 1st of October so that it may be
included in the November meeting announcements. Nominations may
be submitted to the Secretary from the membership by letter
bearing the nominee's name and office and signed by ten
qualified voters. This letter must be received by the Secretary
not later than two weeks prior to the December meeting. The
election of officers shall be at the regular December meeting.
If there is no contest for any office, the election shall be by
voice vote.
Sec. 4 If only one nomination is made for each office, elections
will be made by voice or standing vote at the December Section
meeting. If additional nominations are made, election will be
made by written ballot at the December Section meeting and the
vote counted by a tellers' committee appointed by the Section
Chairman. A majority vote will determine the winner for each
Sec. 5 Ballot by mail will be resorted to only if there is no
quorum present at the December meeting, or if there is a tie
vote of those members present at the December meeting.
(Reference Article VI)
Sec. 6 No officers shall be eligible for re-election to a
succeeding term in his office, except when serving out an
unexpired term.
Sec. 7 The timetable for nomination and election of officer will
be as follows: Appointment of nominating committee - no later
than the 1st of September. Announcement of nominations -
November Section meeting announcement. Nominations by petition
will close two weeks prior to December Section meeting. Hold
election - December Section meeting.
Sec. 1 The regular monthly meetings will normally be held the
third Thursday of each month except the months of July and
August. Notices of the meetings will be mailed one week prior
to the date of the meeting.
Sec. 2 Special meetings and Executive Committee meeting may be
called at any time by the Executive Committee upon written
notice to the membership. Regular meetings may be changed or
canceled by the Executive Committee for just cause upon written
notice to the membership.
Sec. 3 A majority of the members of the Executive Committee
shall constitute a quorum to conduct its business.
Sec. 4 Ten voting members shall be present to constitute a
quorum at a section meeting called for the transaction of
business. A majority vote of the members present and voting is
sufficient to carry a resolution.
Sec. 1 The Section shall have the right to obligate funds for
all purposes necessary to promote objectives except that no
officer or representative thereof shall have any authority to
contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in any way bind the
IEEE for those activities specifically prohibited in the IEEE
Bylaws or published interpretation of policy.
Sec. 2 All expenditures of Section funds must be approved by the
Section Executive Committee.
Sec. 3 The Section Treasurer or Chairman will be authorized to
draw funds as approved by the Section Executive Committee.
Sec. 4 The Treasurer books shall be reviewed annually by an
audit committee and approved before they are transferred to his
Sec. 1 All members of the IEEE residing within the territorial
limits of the Section are members.
Sec. 2 All Fellows, Senior Members, and Members of the IEEE
shall be entitled to attend the meetings, vote, and hold office.
Sec. 3 Associates of the institute who are members of the
Section shall be entitled to attend meetings and to vote, but
shall not have the right to hold office.
Sec. 4 Student members of the IEEE are privileged to attend
meetings, but shall not have the right to vote of hold office.
Sec. 1 Proposals for amendments may originate in the Section
Executive Committee or by a petition signed by fifteen (15) or
more voting members,
Sec. 2 Proposed amendments and sufficient reasons therefor,
shall be delivered or mailed to the Section Executive Committee
members at least twenty (20)days before the stipulated meeting
of the Section Executive Committee at which the vote shall be
taken. Two-thirds of all votes cast at that meeting shall be
required to approve any new Bylaws, amendments or revocation.
Sec. 3 Such Bylaws must be consistent with the IEEE
Constitution, Bylaws, and published interpretation of policy.
Sec. 4 A copy of amended Bylaws shall be submitted for approval
by the Regional Director.
The Affiliation of S. C. Sections
Sec. 1 The Section shall maintain membership in the South
Carolina Affiliation of Sections of the IEEE, Subject to Article
X, Sec. 5.
Sec. 2 The Section shall subscribe for each member of the
Section to the IEEE Corona published by the Affiliation, subject
to Article X, Section 5.
Sec. 3 The Executive Committee shall determine the extent and
kind of participation of the Section in the affairs of the
Affiliation, subject to Article X, Sec. 5.
Sec. 4 The Section Chairman shall represent the Section in the
affairs of the Affiliation.
Sec. 5 The financial participation of the Section in the affairs
of the Affiliation shall be limited to $1.00 per year per
member, plus a share of the IEEE Corona publication expenses.
Sec. 1 A Group Chapter, consisting of the members of a group who
are members of the Section, may be established to function in a
manner similar to that of a Committee of the Section. A
petition must be submitted to the Section Executive Committee
for written approval, and then forwarded with this approval to
the IEEE General Manager.
Sec. 2 The petition to establish a Chapter must contain the
a) Name of Section.
b) Name of the Group.
C) Name of the Organizer (who becomes interim Chairman pending
election of a regular Chairman at a later organization meeting).
d) Signatures of at least twelve (12) IEEE members, other than
students, who are members of the Group and Section.
e) Names of other Section members who indicate they will join
the Chapter, if established.
Sec. 3 The Group Chapter shall be considered established upon
notification of the Section Chairman by the General Manager.
Sec. 4 The Chairman of the Group Chapter will have the
responsibility to see that no less than 10 members, other than
students, maintain membership and that no less than 2 technical
meetings are held per year, or maintain a level of activity
acceptable to the Regional Director and the Group Chairman.
Sec. 5 Chapter meetings may be scheduled only if it has received
prior approval of the Executive Committee of the Section within
whose boundaries the meeting is held. All Section member shall
be advised of all meetings held in the Section, including those
organized by chapters.
Sec. 6 The responsibility of Chapter management shall rest with
the Section, which shall have control of all financial and other
assets of the Chapter in carrying out its activities
Sec. 7 With concurrence of the Section Executive Committee,
Regional Director, and Group Chairman, a Group Chapter may be
dissolved. Such dissolution will be reported to the IEEE
Executive Committee, Regional Activities Board and Group