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Jamaica Section




The IEEE Women in Engineering awards program recognizes WIE members and WIE Affinity Groups who have made an outstanding contribution to IEEE WIE, their community, and the engineering profession, through their dedication and involvement in projects or activities directed toward fulfilling the IEEE WIE goals and objectives. Women engineers are among some of the most distinguished contributors to the engineering profession. Consider nominating a colleague for one of the awards listed below.

Follow the links below to view nomination and submission guidelines.

IEEE Women in Engineering Inspiring Member of the Year Award
IEEE Women in Engineering Inspiring Student Member of the Year Award
IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group of the Year Award
IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group of the Year Award

Learn more about IEEE Medals, Technical Field Awards, and Recognitions

View women recipients of IEEE-level Awards

STAR Program


The STAR program (Student-Teacher and Research Engineer / Scientist) was created to address the growing concern that, at an early age, girls do not dare to pursue careers in mathematics, science and engineering.

The main objective of the STAR program is to improve the perception of the field of science and engineering, encourage children to pursue engineering careers, and in turn have a memorable experience. As well as letting all students know the infinite possibilities that can result from considering engineering as a possible career option in Panama.

Learn more about the STAR Panama program at http://starpanama.org/


IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Newsletter