Become and Email Ninja!

How to Become an Email Ninja

 Sponsors: IEEE USA  PACE
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Time: 6:00PM 
Location: TECO Hall, 702 N Franklin Street, Tampa
Cost: $15.00 for  IEEE Members, $25.00 for Non- IEEE Members, $10.00 for Students
RSVP Online at:
Questions: email Jim Anderson @

During this one hour meeting we’re going to share with you the secrets that you need to know to create powerful emails that cause things to happen.
You’re going to learn the ORCA technique: get readers of your email to Open, Read, Comprehend, and take Action.
You’ll learn what not to do and why people may be ignoring or deleting your emails before they even open them — and how to stop this!


This meeting is one that you just can’t miss. Considering how many emails you send every day, this may well be the most valuable hour that you spend all month long. I guarantee that you’re going to come out of this meeting with the ability to write emails that cause things to happen.
You’ll be an email ninja!