Career Survival for Engineers and Scientists in the 21st Century

A 1-day career management seminar

DATE: Saturday October 23, 2010
TIME: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
COST: $20.00 IEEE member; $30.00 non-member; $10.00 Students and unemployed. includes coffee, lunch and handout of slides
LOCATION: Cocoa Civic Center, 430 Delannoy Avenue, Cocoa, FL 32922
Abstract/Schedule:   Abstract      Schedule
Reservations: Online
For more info:send email to Ed Kirchner ( ), or George McClure ( )

IEEE-USA and IEEE Region 3 care about your career development. This Career Workshop provides practical and powerful strategies to maximize your career talents presented in a positive and entertaining way. This program will open your eyes and senses to see your career in a brand new light. You can not afford to miss this perception-changing career makeover program.

Provided by: IEEE-USA Career & Workforce Policy Committee (CWPC) In cooperation with IEEE-USA Employment and Career Services Committee (ECSC)
Hosted by:  IEEE Region 3,  IEEE Canaveral and Orlando Sections, Florida SBDC and  City of Cocoa, Office of Economic Development

Every mega trend requires new frontiers, new visions, new tools, and new problem solving skills.  The latest trend is globalization of commerce, science and technology development.  Change is the only unchangeable force in nature.  Engineers’ and scientists’ career markets have gone through the following paradigms:

  • 1950s-1960s:  Secure engineers in corporate world
  • 1970s-1980s:  Restless and trend-knowledgeable engineers
  • 1990s-2000:   Project-based engineers
  • Future Trend:  Globalization, Globally competitive engineers

The goal of this Career Workshop is to empower engineers, technologists, and scientists and their profession to take control of their careers.