Computer Society/AESS presents:Next Generation Networks, SDN and ACI
The Computer Society/AESS of the Florida West Coast Section of IEEE is presenting
Next Generation Networks, SDN and ACI
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 6:00 PM
Presentation Summary:
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is changing the way the IT industry designs, installs, and manages next-generation networks. Network programmability and the network infrastructure’s awareness of applications promises to change networking in the way that applications and smart-phones changed the way we use cell phones. Cisco’s Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) provides SDN at scale for Enterprise, Service Provider, and Data Center networks. Cisco’s Kyle Galusha will discuss the fundamentals of SDN, ACI, and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and their use within industry and the education research community.
This is an open meeting. Non-IEEE members and Students are welcome.
Kyle Galusha
Kyle is a Senior Systems Engineering Manager for Cisco’s Government and Education practice in the Southeastern United State. He manages sales engineering teams covering FL, LA, MS, AL, AR, TN, KY, WV, GA, NC, SC, MD, VA, and DC. Kyle has been with Cisco for over 16 years in various engineering and management roles. Before Cisco, Kyle completed 20 years of active duty in the US Navy in technical and leadership roles ashore and afloat. Kyle holds BS and MS degrees in Computer Science and Telecommunication Management respectively.
TECO Hall meeting room on first floor of at TECO Plaza in Downtown Tampa.
702 N Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602-4429
Price: $5 Members, $10 Non-Members, and no charge for Students and Life Members
Food: The Computer Society will provide free pizza, soft drinks and bottled water.
Make Your Reservation: Please click on Make A Reservation on the left side of the meeting page and enter your information:
If you have any questions, please contact:
Jim Lumia, Chair, FWCS Computer Society and AESS