IEEE-USA- Second Annual Energy Fly-In

 IEEE-USA invites any IEEE member with an interest in Energy Policy to come to Washington on 17 and 18 May for our Second Annual Energy Fly-In. This unique event will give IEEE members an unparalleled opportunity to directly influence the direction of Energy Policy in Washington.

Energy underlies and connects three converging challenges that face theUnited States in the early 21st century: security, prosperity, and theenvironment. To address these issues, President Barack Obama andCongress have vowed to make energy issues a priority this year. This isyour opportunity to have a direct impact on this critical process. As a background document for this event, members will be briefed on and will deliver to their Congressional Representatives IEEE-USA’s National Energy Policy Recommendations. These principles represent the consensus of IEEE-USA’s Energy Policy Committee, which is comprised of experts from industry, academia, and the government who share a common expertise in the field of energy, but represent a wide range of viewpoints.
The core aspects of the current threats linked to energy are: the addiction to oil and the threat of climate change to the health of the planet and the prosperity of humanity. The addiction to oil threatens jobs, the economy, national security and the environment Managing or mitigating the threat of climate change requires action to transform our energy systems and our economy to one that is carbon free, carbon neutral or which successfully captures and stores carbon emissions on a geological time scale 
Many of the necessary steps are well understood but have not yet been taken. Established technologies must be applied at unprecedented scale and on an accelerated schedule. Emerging technologies require further research and development. Innovation is still needed. Bold actions and substantial investments will be required to meet the challenges. 
For more information or to register, go to


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