What’s Going On?

Keep in Touch with the FWCS Section by  email or on TWITTER!

The FWCS Section has several ways to assist in you in joining IEEE as well as helping our members keep in touch.

By Email:    Subscribe to the FWCS section email list to keep in touch with all the section activities.  Send an e-mail message to listserv@listserv.ieee.org and in the body of the email place the one-line command:  subscribe fwcs-section your_email_address.   (The subject line will be ignored.)

On  TWITTER:   http://twitter.com/ieeefwcs

Join IEEE today and enjoy all the benefits of IEEE membership including:

 “IEEE Membership has nourished my desire for professional networking and
leadership building in the most fulfilling manner.”
— Megha Joshi, IEEE Member

”The half life of cutting-edge technology is only a few years and rapidly getting shorter.
You need a way to ensure that your skills remain current and relevant.
IEEE has always been that place for me.”
— Fritz Morgan, IEEE Member

”Membership has instilled in me a sense of professionalism and leadership,
and provides a platform from which I can network with fellow researchers and
industry professionals.”
— Sameer Shriyan, IEEE Member

Membership questions? Please send an e-mail to
Richard Sanchez, Membership Development Chair: richard.sanchez@ieee.org