We had a lunch and learn on May 26th to introduce the more popular tools IEEE and the Internet has to offer.

Topics covered were WordPress, SAMIEEE, VTools, Voting, Surveys, and Email-LISTSERV (and its alternatives).

Below is a link to the slides from the Lunch N Learn.



Extra WordPress Training

Lynda.com is offering free WordPress training for a limited time.  Sections volunteers might want to check out are:

What is WordPress?

Understanding the difference between post and pages

Creating a new post

Creating a basic page


Also, recently Lance McBride and Ed Perkins held a weekend tutorial at Microsoft on building a website, with an emphasis on IEEE sites, using WordPress.  The presentations below are interlaced with more technical details than most volunteers will need.  I have not viewed Session 2 yet, but for Session 1 you may want to download it and fast forward to the 2:01:00 mark or fast forward online.

Here are links to the videos/presentations stored at Microsoft Research:

Session 1 – Fundamentals  – Basic WordPress interface and structure, Templates, Calendar

Session 2 – Intermediate – Metatags, Plugins, vTools Calendar, Forms