Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar Applications

Scott Goldstein, Mike Picciolo, and Wil Myrick

Dynetics, Inc., Chantilly, VA Office

Friday, 13 December 2013, 11:00 – 1:00

Dynetics Solutions Complex, 1004 Explorer Blvd, Huntsville, AL 35806

(see map at

RSVP by noon on Wednesday, 11 December, to, and include citizenship status

Lunch is Provided, Please bring $10 to help with Lunch Costs

Presentation Abstract

Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) is an advanced signal processing methodology for the Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) mode of airborne and space borne surveillance radar systems. It is used to mitigate platform-motion-induced spread-Doppler clutter that interferes with the echo from moving ground targets, in addition to mitigating jamming interference.

The tutorial will develop and clearly illustrate the GMTI problem from first principles, showing the need for STAP processing, including the STAP radar signal environment and its mathematical model. Traditional STAP processing solutions will be derived from a detection probabilistic perspective – the most pertinent metric for radar. Additionally, the course covers state-of-the-art STAP techniques that address many of the limitations of traditional (ideal) STAP solutions, offering insight into future research trends and multidisciplinary applications.

Speaker Bios

Dr. Scott Goldstein is the Chief Technologist for Dynetics, Inc., and the Manager of the Advanced Missions Solutions Group in Chantilly, VA. He has over 30 years of operational, engineering, leadership and management experience. He has performed fundamental research and development in Radar detection and estimation theory, Space Time Adaptive Processing, as well as in advanced systems concepts involving intelligence sensors, ISR, space superiority capabilities and cyber exploitation. He is a Fellow of the IEEE (for contributions to adaptive detection in radar and communications), a Fellow of the Washington Academy of Sciences and a member of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel.  He received the 2002 IEEE Fred Nathanson Radar Engineer of the Year Award.

Dr. Mike Picciolo is the Associate Chief Technologist for Dynetics and Chief Engineer of the Advanced Missions Solutions Group in Chantilly, VA.  He has in-depth expertise in Radar, ISR systems, Space Time Adaptive Processing and conducts research in advanced technology development programs. served an Engineering Director and Director of Advanced Programs at QinetiQ North America. Previously served as a Chief Technology Officer within ManTech and as a Chief Scientist at SAIC. Over 26 years of experience working for the Dept. of Defense (DoD), Intelligence Community (IC), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Has deep domain expertise in SAR/GMTI radar, communications theory, waveform diversity, wireless communications, hyperspectral imagery, IMINT, SIGINT, and MASINT intelligence disciplines.

Dr. Wil Myrick is currently a Principal Engineer at Dynetics.  He is recognized as a world leader in MASINT in addition to having over 18 years of experience in STAP, SIGINT, communications, and anti-jamming for GPS.  He was awarded the U.S. Black Engineer of the Year Award for Career Achievement in Industry for his outstanding contributions to the MASINT community.  Dr. Myrick holds MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and a BS in Electronics Engineering from Norfolk State University.

Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar Applications

Scott Goldstein, Mike Picciolo, and Wil Myrick

Dynetics, Inc., Chantilly, VA Office

Friday, 13 December 2013, 11:00 – 1:00

Dynetics Solutions Complex, 1004 Explorer Blvd, Huntsville, AL 35806

(see map at

RSVP by noon on Wednesday, 11 December, to, and include citizenship status

Lunch is Provided, Please bring $10 to help with Lunch Costs

Presentation Abstract

Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) is an advanced signal processing methodology for the Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) mode of airborne and space borne surveillance radar systems. It is used to mitigate platform-motion-induced spread-Doppler clutter that interferes with the echo from moving ground targets, in addition to mitigating jamming interference.

The tutorial will develop and clearly illustrate the GMTI problem from first principles, showing the need for STAP processing, including the STAP radar signal environment and its mathematical model. Traditional STAP processing solutions will be derived from a detection probabilistic perspective – the most pertinent metric for radar. Additionally, the course covers state-of-the-art STAP techniques that address many of the limitations of traditional (ideal) STAP solutions, offering insight into future research trends and multidisciplinary applications.

Speaker Bios

Dr. Scott Goldstein is the Chief Technologist for Dynetics, Inc., and the Manager of the Advanced Missions Solutions Group in Chantilly, VA. He has over 30 years of operational, engineering, leadership and management experience. He has performed fundamental research and development in Radar detection and estimation theory, Space Time Adaptive Processing, as well as in advanced systems concepts involving intelligence sensors, ISR, space superiority capabilities and cyber exploitation. He is a Fellow of the IEEE (for contributions to adaptive detection in radar and communications), a Fellow of the Washington Academy of Sciences and a member of the IEEE Radar Systems Panel.  He received the 2002 IEEE Fred Nathanson Radar Engineer of the Year Award.

Dr. Mike Picciolo is the Associate Chief Technologist for Dynetics and Chief Engineer of the Advanced Missions Solutions Group in Chantilly, VA.  He has in-depth expertise in Radar, ISR systems, Space Time Adaptive Processing and conducts research in advanced technology development programs. served an Engineering Director and Director of Advanced Programs at QinetiQ North America. Previously served as a Chief Technology Officer within ManTech and as a Chief Scientist at SAIC. Over 26 years of experience working for the Dept. of Defense (DoD), Intelligence Community (IC), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Has deep domain expertise in SAR/GMTI radar, communications theory, waveform diversity, wireless communications, hyperspectral imagery, IMINT, SIGINT, and MASINT intelligence disciplines.

Dr. Wil Myrick is currently a Principal Engineer at Dynetics.  He is recognized as a world leader in MASINT in addition to having over 18 years of experience in STAP, SIGINT, communications, and anti-jamming for GPS.  He was awarded the U.S. Black Engineer of the Year Award for Career Achievement in Industry for his outstanding contributions to the MASINT community.  Dr. Myrick holds MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and a BS in Electronics Engineering from Norfolk State University.