Posts By: ron ogan

Nominate an Outstanding IEEE Member for Professional of the Year

Do you know an outstanding person in our technical community? This is a great opportunity to show your appreciation by recognizing his or her excellence. Your nomination will be reviewed by our Awards Committee to select a winner of the IEEE Huntsville Section Professional of the Year (POY). The Awardee will be recognized at the 2010 HATS POY Banquet…

Winners of the 2010 E-Week Awards

Congratulations to all of our 2010 National Engineers Week award winners. Once again we received wonderful nominations from our volunteers, student members and local IEEE members; and once again, we gather to honor the very cream of the crop. Those that we honor today are recognized by their peers as truly outstanding individuals. On behalf of the IEEE Huntsville Section, please allow me to express our gratitude for your leadership and your commitment to excellence.

Nominate Someone for an IEEE Award

Know an outstanding engineer, educator or IEEE volunteer? Recognize our local talent by nominating him or her for an IEEE Engineers Week Award. We are seeking candidates for these three awards: Outstanding Engineer – for advancing engineering technology, Outstanding Educator – for excellence in engineering education, Outstanding Service – for dedicated service to the IEEE Huntsville Section in promoting Electrical Engineering technology