Great turnout at TMC event …..despite the rain!
We had a great turnout at the TMC event today!!! Our speaker who is a professional coach, Bobbi McFadden was well recieved for our audience of 30 attendees. She gave an excellent talk on “Why we can’t leave the monkey on the side of the road: When delegation doesn’t work”. Giving the comical spin using “monkeys” (as our day-to-day tasks at work), she told us how to effectively delegate and prioritize in order to get the job done – or “Get the monkey off your back”.
This lunch-n-learn was catered by the Marriott Season’s Restaurant and the food and staff were superb! We collected ideas for topics for upcoming events. If you know of any great speakers and some interesting engineering management topics, please email
Be sure to join us at a future TMC event! The TMC needs You!!! 🙂