Huntsville Section Celebrates IEEE 125th Anniversary
This year, IEEE met a milestone at 125 years since it s establishment. The IEEE Huntsville Section celebrated by hosting a free party at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. More than 500 IEEE members, friends, family and robotics enthusiasts turned out for the event, which included free admission to the U.S. Space and Rocket Cetner museum, as well as a complimentary lunch. Some lucky partygoers got an added bonus of door prizes and giveaways such as tickets to the new Star Trek movie at the Space and Rocket Center’s iMax Theater.
The robotics demo was a unique event that brought together robotics teams from local competitions including BEST, FIRST and ACTE, as well as individual and classroom projects. Lee High School impressed everyone with their competition robot from FIRST, which hurled huge balls thorugh the air. Priceville High School brought their own remote controlled robot to show off, while Hampton Cove Elementary School brought a Nintendo Storm robotics project. Chris Bero demonstrated his 1st place project from ACTE.
For those of you who missed this one, it was a truly special event, but don’t worry – there will be more to come!
Photos courtesy of Frank Parris.