Dear IEEE Society Members,

This is an announcement for a IEEE JRACS Chapter meeting and monthly Technical Seminar.
If you are planning to attend please register using the link below.

This is an open event, so please feel free to forward this information to your colleagues or anyone that could be interested in the topic.
Finally, if your company is interested in sponsoring food/drinks for this or for a future event please contact me.

Meeting Agenda:

5:30pm Networking & Registration
5:45pm JRACS Chapter Meeting
6:00pm Technical Presentation
6:30pm ARTP Tour
7:00pm Adjourn


Leandro G. Barajas, Ph.D., PMP, IEEE SM
Chapter Vice­-Chair IEEE Joint Robotics & Automation – Controls Systems (JRACS) Society
IEEE Huntsville Section, Huntsville, AL
+1 (248)705-8192

IEEE Joint Robotics & Automation – Controls Systems (JRACS) Chapter Seminar

Alabama Robotics Technology Park (RTP) Tour & Presentation

By Terry Griffin

Executive Director, Alabama Robotics Technology Park

Alabama Robotic Technology Park
6505 U.S. Hwy 31, Tanner, AL 35671
(Across from the Calhoun Community College – see attached directions)

Tuesday April 24, 5:30pm-7:00pm

Please Register at:

Soft drinks will be provided

If your company is interested in sponsoring food/drinks for this event
please contact the event organizers (see below).

Alabama Robotics Technology Park


Alabama Robotics Technology Park (RTP) — The RTP was created by collaboration among the state of Alabama, Calhoun Community College, Alabama Industrial Development Training, and robotics industry leaders across the nation.  Phase I of the RTP, opened in November 2010, provides education and training for current and next generation jobs in industrial automation and robotics technology.  Alabama manufacturers can receive no-cost employee training at this world-class facility.  Phase II, opened in August 2011, conducts research and development/test and evaluation of robotics and unmanned systems technology in areas of manufacturing and national security.  Plansexist to expand into service, healthcare, agriculture, and other robotic areas.  A future Phase III will serves as a robotic business integration and entrepreneurial incubation activity. The RTP also serves as a hub for North Alabama K-12 BEST and FIRST robotic clubs.  For more information, visit

Speaker Bio:

Terry Griffin serves as Director of the new Alabama Robotic Technology Park. He retired after 30 years of service in the United States Marine Corps earning distinction during the last 5 years as Project Manager, Robotic Systems Joint Project Office. His leadership in fielding ground robotic systems helped save lives and alter history by earning robotics a new and permanent place in support of national security. After retirement, Terry provided robotic advice to the Von Braun Center for Science and Innovation, Marshall Space Flight Center, and the Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center. President of the Pathfinder Chapter in the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, Terry helped raise more than $100,000 each year in 2010 and 2011 for K-12 and college robotic grants and scholarships. Terry possesses a B.A. in Communications from Auburn University and an MBA from Averett University. He is also a graduate of the U. S. Air Force Air Command and Staff College and a Fellow of the Department of State Senior Seminar.

For more information please contact:
Leandro G. Barajas, Ph.D., PMP, IEEE SM
IEEE JRACS Chapter Vice­-Chair, 705-8192

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