SOA, Now What?

The IEEE Huntsville Computer Society presents IEEE Senior Member Roger Bolton with “SOA, Now What?”, an analysis of what the Service Oriented Architecture paradigm means to software engineers and architects, as well as how it affects corporate business models.

Much has been written about Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).  Some authors have even gone as far as stating that it is the best thing to happen since Object Oriented technologies hit the scenes.  Plus now that we have a SOA Manifest, we know that this trend is not dead.  But once you bite on that bullet, what does it mean to the rest of your software development practices?  Please join our meeting this month as Roger leads a discussion on the ramifications of adopting SOA.  This presentation will look at how SOA solutions affects the design, measuring, and testing of software.


Roger will discuss how Service Oriented Architecture adoption as an organizational software strategy affects systems and software architecture development across a range of project types ranging from commercial, space, and defense domains.

Speaker Biography

Roger Bolton is an Associate Technical Fellow-Software Systems Engineering at The Boeing Company. He has over 25 years of software engineering experience in missile defense (MDA, GMD, Avenger), space systems (ISS, Chandra), and commercial enterprises (Chemical, Wastewater Treatment, and Forestry). Current interests include Architecture, Simulation, SOA, Modeling and Design, and Agile/Lean software development.

Roger  is an IEEE Senior Member and serves as Huntsville Section Secretary. Roger holds degrees from Southeastern Institute of Technology, Auburn University, and Southern Illinois University.

Event Details and Reservations

Lunch provided free of charge to all attendees, courtesy of Bo Ryals and TekSystems.

Date: Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Time: 11 A.M. – 1 P.M.  (Lunch starts at 11:15 am).

Location: Adtran, Inc., East Tower, 901 Explorer Blvd., Huntsville, AL

Please RSVP to Bob Robinson at no later than Monday, May 23rd so that we can supply the caterer with an accurate headcount.  Click here for additional details.