Posts tagged with: AESS

IEEE Joint AESS and JCAM Seminar

Wednesday,  October 24th, 2012
Dr. William D. Blair, Georgia Tech Research Institute
“Design of Nearly Constant Velocity Track Filters for Tracking Maneuvering Targets”
11:30am – 1:00pm
Location:  Dynetics – Solutions Complex Main Conference Room
1004 Explorer Boulevard (in Research Park)
See map at:
Lunch will be provided to Attendees
RSVP to Charlene …

Probabilistic Inference and its Application to Distributed Track Management Systems

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Speaker: Clay Stanek, Senior Software Engineer, Northrop Grumman
Meeting Flyer
Probabilistic inference is one of the hottest areas in Track Management technology space.  By combining computer science discipline with a rigorous understanding of probability theory, one can estimate …

Software Safety Engineering – An Updated Look at a Maturing Discipline

Date: May 10, 2011
Time: 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Place: University of Alabama in Huntsville University Center Room 126 Marked building #7a on the map
Meeting Flyer
Speaker: Steven Mattern, Senior System Safety Engineer, Bastion Technologies
The discipline commonly referred to as “Software Safety Engineering” has been maturing within …

AESS and JCAM Presentation on AT&T's U-Verse

Lecture Content: Dixon Tidmore, with AT&T, will deliver a presentation on the technology behind AT&T’s U-Verse service.  U-Verse is a multi-service platform that integrates IPTV (internet protocol television), high speed internet, and VOIP (voice over internet protocol).  AT&T is the only national service provider to …