Posts tagged with: Awards

Engineers Week Awards Banquet

UPDATE: The E-Week Awards Banquet has been rescheduled for 6:30 P.M. on Saturday, February 20th, at the Marriott Tranquility Base, next to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center.
February 14-20 is National Engineers Week, and the E-Week Awards Banquet is one of the highlights.  Join the …

Nominate Someone for an IEEE Award

Know an outstanding engineer, educator or IEEE volunteer? Recognize our local talent by nominating him or her for an IEEE Engineers Week Award. We are seeking candidates for these three awards: Outstanding Engineer – for advancing engineering technology, Outstanding Educator – for excellence in engineering education, Outstanding Service – for dedicated service to the IEEE Huntsville Section in promoting Electrical Engineering technology

Huntsville EMC Wins Prestigious Award

Congratulations to the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Huntsville Chapter! They have been selected from among all EMC chapters worldwide as the recipient of the Most Improved Chapter Award from the international IEEE EMC Society.