Posts tagged with: Chair’s Message

Annual Meeting and Holiday Party

n Thursday, December 8th, the IEEE Huntsville Section met for the Annual Meeting and HATS Holiday Party. Both events were hosted at the Huntsville Botanical Garden. During the annual meeting, we recognized the accomplishments of 2009, voted to approve the slate of officers for the year 2010 and recognized our volunteers for 2009 with a framed certificate of appreciation for their outstanding work.

Chair's Corner

It has been longer than usual since our last LiveWire article, and we have lots of news to report. First, I invite all of our local IEEE members to join our IEEE Huntsville Section LinkedIn group. The group has been growing steadily since it was created …

Chair’s Corner

It has been longer than usual since our last LiveWire article, and we have lots of news to report. First, I invite all of our local IEEE members to join our IEEE Huntsville Section LinkedIn group. The group has been growing steadily since it was created …

Chair's Corner

The month of March has been very busy for the Huntsville Section.  We have had several educational activities, a special announcment from the EMC Society, and even more on the horizon.
The North Alabama Science and Engineering Fair was hosted at the UAH Shelby Center on …

Chair’s Corner

The month of March has been very busy for the Huntsville Section.  We have had several educational activities, a special announcment from the EMC Society, and even more on the horizon.
The North Alabama Science and Engineering Fair was hosted at the UAH Shelby Center on …