Welcome to the Daytona Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

We cover the Northeast Central Region of Florida,.  This includes the counties of Volusia and Flagler, and stretches North from Marineland to the East at DeBary and as far South as Oak Hill.

October Program and Meeting Change

The Daytona Section presents their monthly program on Monday, October 30, 2023 at 6:00 PM in Room LB126B (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University).  Dr. Xiaohe Wu, Associate Professor at Bethune-Cookman University will discuss the possibility of bringing a future SouthEastCon meeting to Daytona Beach.  The plan is to compete for the hosting right for IEEE SoutheastCon 2028.

Topics include:  Advantages of hosting IEEE SoutheastCon; requirements; post-selection processes; Region 3, Student, Technical and Young Professionals programs; and closing the conference.  Potential collaboration with nearby IEEE Sections.

Immediately following the program will be an EXCOM meeting.   NOTE:  This is a hybrid meeting. Zoom link is https://erau.zoom.us/j/95153776162?pwd=dWt5dHg0Ni9mN0IrTmNKREUzVG4zdz09    Please Email Dr. Helen Hernandez to receive the passcode.


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On 4/26/2023, the Daytona Section Chair Dr. Liu presented Junior Science Fair Winner Kaden Janania, with a recognition plaque for his presentation titled “How Different Materials Affect Sound Absorption.”

Bethune-Cookman University Students presenting their entry from the recent SouthEastCon Robotics Competition.

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University had two team entries at the recent SouthEastCon Robotics Competition.