The IEEE Daytona Section [usually] meets the fourth Thursday of every month from September to June.
Future Meeting Dates for 2025
The Daytona Section’s February meeting will take place on Wednesday February 26th at 6:00 pm at Embry Riddle University.
Our February’s presentation is titled Accelerating Climate Change and Implications for Florida.
Our speaker will discuss Florida’s unique geographic location which puts us in a vulnerable position. The presentation will discuss issues of extreme temperatures, rising sea level and increasing severity of storms. Our focus needs to shift from attempting to halt a process that is beyond our control to preparing our infrastructure and economy for the inevitable changes.
Our speaker is Ray Leonard, President of Anglo Eurasia LLC, a consulting firm for the Energy and Power Industry.
Generally, meetings start between 6:00 and 7:00 PM with introductions and section business, followed by a speaker presentation. The meetings usually conclude at 8:00 – 8:30 PM.
The B-CU Robotics Team presenting their project at the 4/28/2022 meeting. L-R: Manit Bhusal and fellow students
2022 Tomoka Science Fair Junior Division Winner Troy Gingrich presenting at the 4/28/2022 Section meeting: “What is the Strongest Shape in Bridge Design?”
The ERAU Robotics Team presenting their project at the 4/28/2022 meeting. Robert Apelian and his team members.