The Eastern North Carolina Section of the IEEE, part of Region 3, was established in 1965 and serves IEEE members from the Research Triangle to Wilmington. The section exists to connect and support local professionals and students in engineering through networking opportunities, technical talks, and social events.

Our Section includes a number of chapters for technical societies and affinity groups, as well as several committees active in the community. This site serves as a hub for all of their events in an effort to connect the membership and the public at large.


Computational Intelligence Society (CIS)Computer Society (CS)Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMCS)Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (GRSS)Industrial Electronics Society (IES)Power Electronics Society (PELS)Robotics & Automation Society (RAS)Signal Processing Society (SPS)Technology & Engineering Management Society (TEMS)Power & Energy + Industrial Applications Society (PES + IAS)

Section Committees: 

Membership Development • Communications • Nominations & Appointments • Educational Activities • Professional Activities Committee for Engineers (PACE) • Awards

Affinity Groups:

Women in Engineering (WIE) • Young Professionals (YP) •  Consultants Network (CN) •  Life Member Affinity Group (LM)

Student Branches:

Campbell •  Duke  • Eastern Carolina • North Carolina State

About this Site

This website is meant to be a resource for members and volunteers of the ENCS in order to facilitate communication within and outside of our membership. The main content of the site includes announcements of upcoming events, section newsletters, resources for volunteers, and much more!

If you are a member of a chapter and want us to make an announcement on the site, please contact the webmaster and we’ll get it posted so it can be brought to the attention of the rest of the membership.

Getting Involved

The best way to get involved with our section is to look at what events are coming up, join us and introduce yourself to the other volunteers! If you are unable to connect with us in person, please reach out to one of our volunteers.

Raleigh Durham NC North Carolina