Welcome to the Eastern North Carolina chapter of Robotics and Automation!
Our Vision is create and foster a strong technical community by bridging all the technology resources together, by creating an IEEE value based architectural model.
Our Mission is to foster the development and facilitate the exchange of scientific and technological knowledge in Robotics and Automation that benefits members, the profession and humanity in Eastern North Carolina, and beyond.
Our Strategy to achieve above objectives by:
- better use of existing IEEE resources(publications, associations, standards, technical events, collaboratec, consultant network, IEEE tv etc.,)
- uniting the resources – academic research institutions on end-to-end subject matters
- encouraging & fostering technology corporations and startups
- encouraging & fostering open-source and non-profits
- fostering of well-organized makerspace and active involvement in positive areas of technology benefiting human welfare.
“Be like the Ocean tides in life, Be like the Sun in life“
Upcoming Meetings:
- What’s Inside NVIDIA GPUs That Makes Them So Far – by Dr. Lars S. Nyland (August 6, 2018)
- All future ENCS R&A chapter meetings
Meeting information will be announced in the IEEE newsletter and on this ENCS Robotics and Automation web site.
ENCS RAS Chapter Awards for 2017:
During 2017, in addition to recognizing every member who presented in monthly technical sessions for the local community, following Seniors and Startups were recognized and awarded for their outstanding Technical contributions to the ENCS Region on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) fields.
- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr (Life Fellow and Senior IEEE Member) – Engineering Education
- Kenneth Ray Boone(Senior IEEE Chapter Volunteer) – Senior Engineering Maker
- Roger G. Lawrence(Fellow and Senior IEEE Member) – Professional Leadership
- Daniel McDonald(Senior IEEE Chapter Volunteer) – IEEE Best Volunteer
- Rethink Robotics – Industrial Collaborative Robots Automation
- Kiva Systems Subdivision – Warehouse Industrial Automation
- PrecisionHawk – UAV & Drone Aerial Intelligence Automation
- Forge Initiative – Non-Profit K-12 Robotics & Automation Training
Awarded RAS Chapter of the Year in 2016:
The RAS CHAPTER OF THE YEAR AWARD was delivered in Stockholm in May 2016 to the co-recipients Eastern NC RAS chapter (that is us!) and the Monterrey Chapter!
Humanoid & DaleKen robot projects:
Meet Ken, the IEEE ENCS humanoid robot! Ken is a humanoid robot prototype with the current capability to communicate using natural language to carry on a simple conversation, can recognize and track your face, and can learn and recall your name. Further, we are working on constructing DaleKen (a friendly version of Dr. Who character), an autonomous navigating Robot above the earlier version of Ken humanoid, primarily to promote STEM awareness to our local community.
We continuously encourage for volunteers to assist in the following areas:
- Improve the natural language interface (voice to text and text to voice)
- Pick out a particular voice in the crowd (audio beam forming)
- Vision processing (object and face detection and recognition, 3D reconstruction, SLAM algorithms)
- Mechanical design (help design a better neck, or face movement)
- System Architecture design and configuration (the nuts and bolts of everything)
- Documentation (photos, movies, articles, website, social media)
- Public outreach (help us promote KEN, DaleKen and his STEM outreach program).
- DaleKen is visiting NCSU, RARS Fest, Makerfaire Burlington, All Things Open and school communities this year.
If you are interested in being a part of this exciting project, please contact Mahesh Balasubramaniam at mbalasu@ieee.org or just come to our next monthly meeting on NCSU’s Centennial Campus. Remember, there is always room for another volunteer!
Typically our chapter meetings happen at every first Monday of the month at NCSU Centennial Campus.
Previous Meetings:
- Sensor Equipped Cyber Cockroaches – BioBot Project Overview from Jeremy Cole (July 2, 2018)
- Town of Cary Smart City Project Initiatives & Community Volunteering Opportunities for IEEE Engineers – Terry Yates & Susan Sanford’s RTCC Team (June 4, 2018)
- Applications of Blockchain – current state of the art overview – local expert Anna Derbakova (May 7, 2018)
- DaleKen – IEEE ENCS Autohttps://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/170420nomous Navigational Mobile Humanoid Robot Project (Apr 2, 2018)
- Forge Initiative – Robotic project walkthrough from next generation makers(Team PyroTech, FRC 3459 – March 5, 2018)
- Deep Learning – Variational Auto Encoding-Generative Adversarial Networks (February 5, 2018)
- PrecisionHawk – Drone Aerial Intelligence and Safety Platform LATAs(December 4, 2017)
- DUKE R&A: Humans And Autonomy Lab – Humans’ Interactions with Autonomous Systems – Dr. Michael Clamann, Explainable Artificial Intelligence – Dr. Alexander Stimpson, Experiment on Humans’ Trust in Risk-Aware Autonomy – Dr. Lixiao Huang (November 6, 2017)
- NCSU R&A: ECOPRT at NCSU – Dr. Seth Hollar, Drones for Geoscience – Dr. Justyna Jeziorska (October 2, 2017)
- IEEE ENCS Humanoid Robot Project (August 7, 2017)
- Cheery Autonomous Racecar – 1/10th scale Nvidia Jetson Tx1 baesd RC Car (June 5, 2017)
- Rethink Robotics – along with Mr. Tony Bailey Remote Chat (May 1, 2017)
- Unmanned Vehicle Systems – NC State Aerial Robotics Club(April 3, 2017)
- KIVA Warehouse Robotics – along with Dr. Pete Wurman Remote Chat (March 6, 2017)
- Engineering Automation – Power Electronics Mr. Roger Lawrence IEEE Fellow (February 6, 2017)
- Industrial robots, Baxter, machine learning and ROS (January 4, 2016)
- NCSU Aerial robotics and automated object detection (December 7, 2015)
- Improving the safety of autonomous small unmanned vehicles (November 2, 2015)
- NCSU Underwater Robotics team presentation (October 5, 2015)
- Grayson Randall talks about his trip to the International R&A conference (August, 2015)
- iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner teardown (July, 2015)
- IEEE hardware challenge, Mecanum wheeled robots, motor control (June, 2015)
- Humanoid robots, UAVs, surgical dummies – Welcome to the CRIM lab! (May, 2015)
- Humanoid Robot Project Technical Introduction (April, 2015)
- Machine Learning and Its Applications (March, 2015)
- Meet the NCSU IEEE Southeastcon 2015 team (February, 2015)
- Presentation and Q/A with NASA’s Robonaut perception lead (January, 2015)
- Quadcopter UAV design for bridge inspection (December, 2014)
- Introduction to ROS, the Robot Operating System (November, 2014)
- Quadcopter swarm formation/control (October, 2014)
- Flying Unmanned Aircraft in North Carolina Today (August, 2014)
- Opobotics robotics presentation (July, 2014)
- IBM Watson’s role in cognitive computing after Jeopardy! (June, 2014)
- Prototyping techniques – how to turn your idea into a reality (May, 2014)
- An Introduction to Triangle SumoBots (April, 2014)
- Legos, Robotics, Maker Bots and kids – oh my! (February, 2014)
- DARPA Grand Challenge Autonomous Vehicle Design and Group Project Discussion (January, 2014)
- Raspberry Pi Hacks (December, 2013)
- Unmanned Ground Vehicle System Design: A practical perspective (October, 2013)
- All past ENCS R&A chapter meetings (starting 2005)
Contact us:
For more information about our chapter and outreach program, or to learn about (or volunteer) for a future meeting, please contact our chapter chair or co-chair below.
- Chapter chair: Fred Livingston (fred.livingston@ieee.org)