Marketing Your Business for New & Existing Business

Marketing Your Business for New & Existing Business

This  meeting in July will  the small business series hosted by the Computer Society/AESS and the Consultants Network.

Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 @ 6:00 pm.

The location will be:

CDB Southside Italian Restaurant 
3671 South Westshore Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33629

(note, the Signal Calendar has wrong information for date, title and location.)

In this next marketing meeting, Kurt Forster, who is a marketing consultant, will discuss effective marketing strategy for your small business. Customers are the key to every successful business. Effective, strategic, marketing is the way to attract the most and best customers to increase revenue. Learn a simple strategic marketing plan that will attract customers and increase revenues without increasing expenses.

Discover your unique selling proposition and choose the right strategies to win over the best customers and beat the competition!

Please register at

Jim Lumia, Chair, FWCS Computer Society