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Latest Past Events
Consultants Network of Western North Carolina
The Consultants Network of Western North Carolina meets virtually online from 3-4 pm every 2nd Tuesday of the month.
SAVE THE DATE – 1st Annaul IEEE WNC Section Picnic – September 21
All WNC Section members and their families are invited to attend the 1st Annual Summer Picnic on Saturday, September 21st, at Lake Julian Park in Asheville from 11 am to 2 pm. Join us at Picnic Shelter #3, right on the lake, just past the boat docks, for a great BBQ/Picnic Lunch and the opportunity to socialize and have fun with fellow IEEE members and their families. Learn More Details T
Sept. IEEE WNC Section ExCom Meeting
https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m4dfff1227a05acc0d4a185e1cfb92008Monthly Section ExCom Meeting typically scheduled on the first Friday of each month. IEEE WNC Section Executive Committee Meeting (Agenda below) Held via Webex meeting Agenda: 1. Welcome – Chair AJ Burke 2. Approve agenda – Officers 3. Meeting Minutes – Teresa Matthews 4. Officer and Position Reports: a. Chair: AJ Burke b. Vice Chair: Kent Green c. Secretary: Teresa Matthews d. Treasurer: Bill Barkley Optional: e. LM: Charles Lord f. LCN: Jim Campbell g. Power and Energy Society and Industry Application Chapter: Bora Karayaka (Interim) h. Student Activities Chair: Teresa Matthews i. Social Event Coordinator: Fred Orland j. Newsletter: Bob Pettigrew 5. Other new business – All present or sent in via email 6. Close – Chair AJ Burke