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View & Petition Candidates for the 2025 Executive Commitee Before Nov. 13th!

The Western North Carolina Section Executive Committee has approved the slate of candidates for the IEEE Western North Carolina Section annual election.

Green, KentSenior Member
Vice Chair
Simms, StanSenior Member
Matthews, TeresaMember
Burke, AudieLife Senior

Petition Candidate Process

Western North Carolina Section has an open nomination process. The Petition Deadline is 13 November 2024 12:00 AM America/New_York. You will be able to generate the final slate of candidates after the deadline. Petition members are listed on the table below.

You may click on a petition member’s name to view his/her details, including a a set of documents. If necessary, you can send a reminder to all eligible voters to sign any pending petitions.

While the Petition Candidate window is open, eligible voting members can submit themselves as petition candidates. Eligible voting members can also sign petitions to support petition candidates. During this phase, the Election Committee can send up to two (2) reminders to the eligible voting members to sign petitions for petition candidates that have not yet received the required number of signatures. After the Petition Candidate window has closed, the Election Committee selects the Final Slate of Candidates and sends it out.

You may petition for a candidate position. Petition nominees must be active IEEE members of the Western North Carolina Section and of Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade. The petition deadline is 20 November 2024 12:00 AM America/New_York.

Go to https://nominations.vtools.ieee.org/tego_/nominate_or_petition/R30173 using your IEEE account credentials to nominate yourself by petition.

In accordance with IEEE Bylaw I-307.18, the number of signatures required on a petition for Western North Carolina Section will be 5.

Contact the Election Committee Chair Charles Lord for additional questions.

Chair, Election Committee
Charles Lord