RAS – Officers

2010 -2011 RAS Chapter Officers

  • Chairman – George Schott
    Oversee the operation of all aspects of the chapter
    Preside at all chapter meetings and events.
  • Vice-Chairman – Ken Fiallos
    Assume the responsibilities of the Chairman whenever the Chairman is not present or unable to perform the duties of the Chairman.
    Provide help and assistance to the Chairman when requested.
  • Treasure – Open
    Collect all approved dues and fees from attendees at each event or activity.
    Pay for expenses that have be approved or preapproved by the Chapters officers.
  • Secretary – Open
    Records and distributes the minutes of all meetings and other activities to the chapter members.
    Complete and submit an IEEE L31 form for each meeting, event or activity held by the chapter.
  • Facilities Coordinator – Robert Franklin
    Locate and commit facilities and resources required and appropriate for each event.
  • Publicity coordinator – Open
    Distribute information about upcoming activities and events to all available public media describing their location, cost and other details as appropriate for each activity or event.
  • Programs coordinator – Jeff Kramer
    Seek out and get commitment individuals and organization that can provide lectures, demonstrations and tours for our meetings and special events.
  • Webmaster – Jim Anderson
    Acquires server space for the chapters WEB pages.
    Design and program the chapters WEB pages content.
    Manage the connections and links to and from our chapter’s WEB pages to other WEB sites (RAS Society and FWCS WEB Sites, etc…)
Robert Franklin