Health and Wellness Net
The Richmond Amateur Radio Club (a/k/a RATS) is hosting a Health and Wellness radio network at 7 pm every evening, 6:30 pm on Thursdays. This daily initiative emerged from the local Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) organization, which practices a weekly net 52-weeks a year. All licensed amateurs and VHF scanner listeners are welcome on 146.880 MHz to stay informed. All can participate in this net; club membership is NOT required.
Participants discuss COVID-19 status, raise awareness, and discuss what supplies are available at which retail establishments. Looking for TP, eggs, chicken or fresh veggies? Join the net or listen in and get the latest shopping experience! Not so equipped? Ask around and you might be surprised who has radio access. Or, consider getting a scanner or Amateur Radio License. It is really quite within the reach of anyone who is interested. See: for more.
Technical issues prevent placing the audio stream on the Internet, so consider getting your license or a scanner to stay informed in any widespread emergency situation. Radio works when nothing else does, and it’s more convenient than a smoky fire and a blanket!
SkyWarn volunteers also operate on this frequency and support the National Weather Service with ‘eyeballs on the storm’, a vital resource when a tornado visits our area.