Volunteer with IEEE MOVE for a life-enhancing experience!
When life gets boring, you might consider volunteering on IEEE MOVE and see ‘The Other Side’
See: https://ieee-collabratec.ieee.org/app/community/121/MOVE-Community-Outreach-Inside-Scoop/activities
Volunteer through IEEE MOVE for a life-enhancing experience! Careful though–it’s contagious!
And, if you can’t volunteer, please consider a tax-deductible donation to the IEEE FOUNDATION MOVE Fund, in support of the program and to help defray the mobilization costs of those who can. If you are retired and need to manage your income down a bit to stay in a lower tax bracket, you can make a direct contribution from an IRA to the IEEE Foundation which counts toward your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) but avoids being added to your income. Why give it up in taxes when you can support a worthy program?