Pandemic Challenge Useful Resources

Below you will find various external resources that may be helpful for finding information related to COVID-19.

Please reach out if you know of another resource that we should add to this list, and as always, please let us know if you have any questions related to the IEEE Pandemic Challenge! We can be reached at

Useful External Resources

COVID's Impact on the Younger Generation

This link contains a great article that lists and discusses some of the effects COVID-19 is having on younger generations.

Of particular note, opportunities for first jobs, attending college campuses, and interacting in social settings are all areas where the young are uniquely affected.

Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 Site and

These sites contain extensive information on COVID-19 in Virginia, including large amounts of downloadable, historical data on the number of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. The historical data is generally updated daily.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) COVID-19 Website

This website contains extensive information from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the COVID-19 coronavirus. It is regularly updated as new information is learned.

COVID-19 Executive Orders

All teams must follow the applicable COVID-19 safety requirements of their locality. In Virginia, these requirements are generally contained in Executive Orders from the Governor. These requirements can be found at

Requirements for Groups Working with Children

Any individuals who interact with minors will need to follow the IEEE rules that are designed to protect the safety of minors.

Individuals who are participating in the Challenge as a part of organizations that already have rigorous programs for protecting minors, such as most schools, may depend upon those programs.

All other individuals who interact with minors will need to follow the requirements that can be found at Note – individuals who only interact with minors online will need to adhere to the guidance, but will not need to complete the login-walled training.