SoutheastCon 2017 Region 3 Committee Meeting Presentations

Presentations at SoutheastCon 2017, the IEEE Region 3 Annual Meeting held in Charlotte, NC.  This compilation was derived from the many presentation sets supplied by the speakers and assembled for the record by Chase Battaglio, Region 3 Secretary.

This page should be browsed end-to-end as a virtual meeting to give an idea of all the thought and effort behind your local IEEE organizations.  Region 3 is comprised of 41 Sections organized in 9 Areas (collections of contiguous Sections facilitating the interface with Region 3), numerous Councils (collections of contiguous Sections, not necessarily in Region 3, facilitating joint quasi-local events), Technical Chapters, Affinity Groups (presently Consultants Network, Life Members, Women-in-Engineering and Young Professionals) and Student Branches, reaching from Indiana to Jamaica.  GET INVOLVED and GET AHEAD!  Don’t miss out–this is the “Mother of All Career Networking Opportunities!”)

  1. Region 3 Committee Meeting, Jim Conrad, Region 3 Director
    1. Welcome and Introductions
    2. IEEE, the Big Picture
    3. Region 3 and Section Goals
    4. Region 3 Committee Program – Region 3 Management Track & Annual Meeting
  2. Sections Congress 2017, Sean Haynes, Sections Congress Coordinator
    1. What is Sections Congress?
    2. IEEE Satisfaction Survey
    3. What Are Targeted Recommendations
    4. Formulate Candidate Recommendations
  3. Region 3 Standing Committees, Recommendations of the Strategic Planning Committee (SPC), Greg Vaughn, Director Elect & SPC Chair
    1. Region 3 Standing Committees – Region Governance Proposal (later adopted in annual meeting)
    2. Conforming changes to By-Laws – Region Governance Proposal (later adopted in annual meeting)
  4. Collabratec Update, Dave Green, a Region 3 Past Director
  5. Engaging Members Through Large Technical Projects, Grayson Randall
  6. Elevation to Fellow – a Career Accolade Requiring Planning and Persistence in Addition to Qualifications, David A Conner, IEEE Life Fellow, Region 3 Fellow Nomination Mentor
  7. MGA Strategy & Direction, Mary Ellen Randall, 2017 IEEE VP Member Geographical Activities (MGA)
  8. STEM Engagement, Kristen Bing, Atlanta Section Vice-Chair
  9. Atlanta-Vice-Chair@ieee.orgvTools Training, Jill Gostin, Leadership Development and Regional Support, Chair
  10. IEEE Finances for Sections – Managing Section Finances, Ken Pigg, Region 3 Treasurer
  11. East Tennessee Recruitment and Engagement, Justin Baba, East Tennessee Section Chair
  12. Senior Member Roundups, Theresa Brunasso, R3 Professional Activities & PACE Chair
  13. Public Visibility – How to get Involved and Leverage Your Local Activities, Tom Coughlin & Kathleen Kramer
  14. Chapter Technical Meeting Recording and Distribution, Tom Coughlin
  15. MOVE Community Outreach, an IEEE*USA Initiative, Mary Ellen Randall
  16. IEEE Region 3 Senior Member Effort, Mauricio Cano & Mark Tores
  17. IEEE Sections Congress 2017, Sydney, Australia, Sean Haynes
  18. IEEE*USA Presidential Candidate, Tom Couglin
  19. Section – Student Branch Interaction, Patrick Donohoe, IEEE Regional Student Activity Chair (RSAC, Region 3)
  20. Join the 2017 New Challenges, Marina Ruggieri, 2017 VP Technical Activities (TAB)

Last edited 11-April-2017 © IEEE Richmond Section