June 2021 Meeting Announcements
Region 3 Members,
This is your Monthly Member Communication – June 2021 Edition
Hello, Region 3. Summer is off to a great start! I hope you all are starting to get back to traveling and having picnics in the park, etc. Check out the upcoming conferences as well. Sections will soon begin to start hosting meetings and in-person socials again. Don’t forget to share our pictures of our events and invite your friends and co-workers. We are continuing to update our IEEE Region 3 website Region 3 website https://r3.ieee.org/ and post to our social media platforms, so make sure that you are linked to stay up to date on the happenings in and around your area. Please browse through these announcements and virtual technical meetings below and join us if you can. 🙂
June 2021 – Region 3 Upcoming Virtual Meetings & Announcements
Announcement: W4MOV, the IEEE MOVE Radio Club (see announcement below for meeting on June 25)
Hopefully, most of you are already familiar with the IEEE MOVE project. In short, it is an emergency support project that has been designed, supported, and operated by IEEE volunteers for more than five years. You will find a lot more information at this site if you need it, https://move.ieeeusa.org/
Contact Grayson Randall g.randall@ieee.org with any questions.
Announcement: 2021 “New Normal” Project Funding available. Region 3 has approved funding for developing projects that engage our members; facilitates interaction between Section, Chapters, Student Branches and the community; and focuses on the theme of “New Normal”. Up to $1,000 is available to each team that submits an approved application. See details at the Region 3 website https://r3.ieee.org/
Applications are due by June 15th, 2021. Funding is limited so get your applications in early. Contact Grayson Randall g.randall@ieee.org with any questions.
Announcement: June 15 is the nomination deadline for IEEE Medals and Recognitions. You can read more about these awards at the link below, including the basis for judging and a list of past/present recipients.
https://corporate-awards.ieee.org/corporate-awards/ Region 3 ARC Chair, Nelson Lourenco nelson.lourenco@ieee.org
Announcement: the MGA Training Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021 Volunteer Leadership Training (VoLT) Program and will begin accepting applications for the program on 1 June 2021 through 21July2021. The VoLT Program prepares IEEE volunteers for leadership roles in their local units and beyond. The program’s key goals are to: 1) Accelerate volunteer’s knowledge of the IEEE’s organization, products, services, and resources; 2) Help volunteers understand their roles within their local units and within the entire organization; and 3) Create a succession tool that develops and prepares future IEEE volunteer leaders.
Since the program’s launch in 2013, over 350 volunteers graduated from the program. Our VoLT graduates represent all 10 IEEE Regions and over 100 Sections. For your reference, attached is the list of graduates from the 2020 class. A list of all graduates since 2013 can be found here. The volunteers who graduated from the program took the time to undergo the training, knowing the commitment involved. We hope the result will be a more energized, well-informed, and engaged volunteer for your Section and Region. Applicants will be notified of their application status mid- to late-August.
More information about the VoLT Program, including application requirements, can be found in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE) (you may be prompted to log in to the CLE with your IEEE account). Questions regarding the program, please let us know at volt@ieee.org.
Monday – June 7th, 2021 (4:00pm – 5:00pm CST) Alabama Section
Overview of Battery Technologies for Station Power, By: Marlene McCartha
This presentation will include a comparison of familiar established battery technologies with the not so new emerging technologies specific for station power applications.
Registration Website Link: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/272053
Virtual Meeting Link: https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m6cc9eb8caee44ee7b508b7637542f6bb
Monday – Thursday June 7th – 10th, 2021 (All Day Conference) Region 3
IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), By: MTT-S
Attend the IMS2021 Live Conference at the Georgia World Congress Center. If you register for this in-person conference on, you are able to pick up your badge at the conference to get free virtual access at the same level (does not apply to single day registrations). This allows you the best of both worlds: network, see the exhibits, attend talks, live sessions, receptions, and other events in Atlanta, and then catch up on any conference sessions you missed when you get home. The Virtual Event will be held 20-25 June 2021 with content available on-demand through 25 July 2021.
Link to the event website: www.ims-ieee.org
Registration Website Link: https://ims-ieee.org/registration2021
Virtual Meeting Link: (All registrants will receive a link to the event.)
Sunday – Friday June 20th – 25th, 2021 (All Day Conference) Region 3
IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS), By: MTT-S
Attend the IMS2021 virtual conference. Click below to register. However, If you registered for the in-person conference on June 7 – 10, you were able to pick up your badge at the conference in Atlanta, you get free virtual access at the same level (does not apply to single day registrations). This Virtual Event will have content available on-demand through 25 July 2021.
Link to the event website: www.ims-ieee.org
Registration Website Link: https://ims-ieee.org/registration2021
Virtual Meeting Link: (All registrants will receive a link to the event.)
Friday – June 25th, 2021 (7:00pm – 9:00pm EST) IEEE MOVE
IEEE MOVE Radio Club, By: Butch Shadwell, W4MOV Radio Club Chair
If you are already an amateur operator, you will be familiar with ham radio clubs. This IEEE program will follow the standard model reasonably, except that we exist specifically to organize and work in preparation for emergency operations nets. We plan to develop efficient emergency communications methods through the expertise and efforts of IEEE volunteers. Our radio club already has a core group of organizers. We need more active hams to increase our knowledge base, supply creative ideas, and to support the MOVE team remotely by radio while it’s on deployment. The club will have regular monthly meetings and scheduled controlled nets to develop and hone our operating skills in preparation for future disasters. If you have an FCC Amateur Radio license or have been thinking about getting one, we hope you will join us.
Radio Club will meet virtually 7-9 pm on the 4th Friday of each month. Receive meeting links when you express your interest in the links below. Request to join the IEEE MOVE Radio Club using the link below. For more information on IEEE MOVE, click here: https://move.ieeeusa.org or contact Grayson Randall g.randall@ieee.org
Registration Website Link: https://radioclub.moveteams.org/
Virtual Meeting Link: (All registrants will receive a link to the event.)
Region 3 is still working hard and playing harder during the summer months! Have some fun in the sun and join us virtually in a technical meeting or conference.
Sonya Dillard, Chair
R3 Member Communications Committee