Region 3 Tools for Sections – Processes/Steps for Organizing Activities

Version1.0, 2014-03-14

The members of Region 3 created suggested processes/steps that Section leaders could use to easily plan and conduct many different meetings and activities.  These are available as MS Word files (in a single zip file) on the Region 3 website: ).

These are “open source”, meaning that your section is welcome to use these files and modify them for your own Section.  The file names describe the contents:

  1. Steps_for_Awards_Dinner-V1.0.docx
  2. Steps_for_Conducting_a_Half-day_Technical_Workshop-V1.0.docx
  3. Steps_for_Engaging_Members-V1.0.docx
  4. Steps_for_Excom_Meeting_at_a_Company-V1.0.docx
  5. Steps_for_Excom_Meeting_at_a_Restaurant-V1.0.docx
  6. Steps_for_Full-Day_Tech_Family_Activity-V1.0.docx
  7. Steps_for_Full-Day_Workshop-V1.0.docx
  8. Steps_for_Full-Day_Social_Event-V1.0.docx
  9. Steps_for_Half-Day_Social-V1.0.docx
  10. Steps_for_IEEE_Tour-V1.0.docx
  11. Steps_for_Providing_Members_for_a_Judging_Activity-V1.0.docx
  12. Steps_for_Technical_Meeting_at_a_Restaurant-V1.0.docx
  13. Steps_for_Technical_Meeting_Company-V1.0.docx


The following file is an example of how one Section modified the steps for their own use:

  1. Steps_for_Technical_Meeting_at_UNC_Charlotte-V1.0.docx

These activity steps still need to be completed :

  1. Form and Mentor a FIRST team
  2. Holding a Technical Meeting with an IEEE Society Distinguished Speaker
  3. Touring a Remote Company – Transportation
  4. Organizing a “display booth” at a Local Mall
  5. How to examine your Sections database (SAMIEEE, Dashboard) for new members and past officers.

If you wish to contribute to this library of steps, please send your MS Word file to

John Balsam

Modified: 14 September 2020