IEEE Region 3 Section Support Information

The Section Support Committee (SSC) shall assist the Sections in as many ways as possible (1) to stimulate the interest of IEEE members, (2) to motivate members to volunteer, (3) to encourage professional and technical growth of all members, (4) to share best practices with other Sections, and (5) to form Engineering Affinity Groups.


  1. The SSC Chair shall be a member and shall assist the Region in planning for IEEE Sections Congress and in Section rejuvenation. The chair will also serve as the Region Vitality Coordinator to MGA.
  2. The Member Recruitment and Retention Coordinator shall be a member.
  3. The Life Member Coordinator shall be a member.
  4. The Young Professional Coordinator shall be a member.
  5. The Women in Engineering Coordinator shall be a member.
  6. The Senior Member Elevation Coordinator shall be a member.
  7. Two Sections Operations Specialists shall be members. (vTools Coordinator, IEEE Systems Support, OU Analytics, Collabratec, 360 degree, cookbook, etc.)
  8. The Project Coordinator shall be a member.
  9. The Technical Activities Coordinator shall be a member.
  10. The Educational Activities Coordinator shall be a member and shall serve as the Region 3 Representative to the EAB Section Educational Outreach Committee.
  11. The Sections Congress Coordinator (who serves the year before and the year of a Sections Congress) shall be a member.
  12. Region Coordinator of Industry Engagement
  13. One past Region 3 Delegate/Director shall be a Mentor.


The Section Support Committee shall:

  1. Provide training tools for Area Chairs to Assist Sections in using vTools for meetings, events and elections.
  2. Identify existing Section officer training tools, and create new tools as requested by Area Chairs..
  3. Provide training in the use of collaborative tools and other technologies that support Section and Region activities.
  4. Provide tools to help Sections sponsor member grade elevation programs.
  5. Identify tools and programs that help Sections sponsor programs that support the interest and continued activity of Life Members, Young Professionals, Women In Engineering, Consultants Group, and all other Affinity groups.
  6. Identify tools and programs that help Sections sponsor projects to facilitate the active involvement of members in IEEE activities.
  7. Identify tools and programs that help Sections support K-12 STEM education efforts.
  8. Assist in the planning and coordination of the region’s participation in Sections Congress.
  9. Facilitate section member recruitment and retention by interactions with the MGA MRRR and Section MRR (or MDC) functions.
  10. Identify tools and programs that encourage people to join IEEE and to also encourage existing members to stay members.
  11. Provide guidance and support, including identifying potential funding opportunities, to Sections and their OUs for projects that promote member engagement and collaboration in support of IEEE and Region 3’s strategy, objectives, and goals with a focus on Applying Technology for the Benefit of Humanity.

Projects Subcommittee
There shall be a Projects Subcommittee chaired by the Region 3 Project Coordinator with a Region 3 liaison from the MOVE Project and the R3 Representative to Humanitarian Activities Committee as members. In addition to general encouragement, coordination, and support of projects in Region 3, the subcommittee shall, when budgeted, conduct one or more calls for projects that engage members of sections and their OUs. The subcommittee may fund successful proposals from the Region 3 Initiatives Projects Fund. Projects overseen by this committee shall exclude those projects that are appropriate for the R3 Professional Activities Projects.

The lifecycle of Initiative Projects will be managed by the Projects Subcommittee and include
1. Call for proposals
2. Proposals from a section or a subset of the section and endorsed by the Section Chair
3. Evaluation of proposals and recommendations for funding within budget by the committee
4. Final approval of project funding by the ExCom
5. Grantees will make interim reports as required by the Projects Committee and these reports will be available to the membership
6. Final reports will be submitted to the Projects Committee and these reports will be available to the membership


The calendar for the high-level activities of the Section Support Committee is online (even year) and (odd year). The committee will generally create a more detailed calendar for internal use.