IEEE Region 3 Awards Information

The Awards and Recognition Committee (ARC) shall assist the Region in formally recognizing, rewarding, and promoting excellence in all facets of the professional lives of its members. The term of service for the chair and other members of the awards committee shall be one or two years and start one week after SoutheastCon and end one week after the corresponding future SoutheastCon. This term implies that Area Chairs appointed to the committee may have completed their service as Area Chair but will still be members of the Awards Committee until after the next SoutheastCon.

IEEE awards serve several purposes: The awards are 1) an expression of recognition for outstanding contributions to the art and science of electro-technology, 2) an incentive to youth to emulate excellence, 3) a personalized presentation to the public of the achievements of the profession and its members, and 4) the identification of IEEE with these achievements.


  1. The Awards and Recognition Committee Chair shall be a member and represent Region 3 on the IEEE-USA Awards and Recognition Committee. The ARC Chair shall be an interface with the Awards and Recognition Committees of MGA and IEEE. The ARC Chair shall also assist the Region 3 leadership in developing a culture of recognition and acknowledgment.
  2. With potential succession planning in mind, the Region 3 Delegate/Director shall appoint a Vice Chair of the committee.
  3. The Region 3 Professional Activities Committee Chair shall appoint, with the concurrence of the Region 3 Delegate/Director, one member of the ARC. This member should be familiar with the IEEE-USA and Region 3 Professional Activities vision and recent activities.
  4. Each Area Chair or their Delegate/Director-approved designee shall be a member.
  5. Region Coordinator of Industry Engagement
  6. One past Region 3 Delegate/Director shall be a Mentor.


  1. Develop and administer the professional award and recognition programs for sponsorship specifically by the Region. Presently available awards are
    1. Outstanding Engineer Award
    2. Outstanding Service Award
    3. Joseph M. Biedenbach Outstanding Engineering Educator Award
    4. Professional Leadership Award
    5. Employer Professional Development Award
    6. Outstanding Young Professional Award
    7. Educational Activities Chair Award
    8. James H. Graham Cybersecurity Scholarship Award
    9. Exemplary Section Award
    10. Exemplary Student Branch Award
    11. Student Professional Activities Service Award
    12. Daniel W. Jackson Award for exemplary service as a Past Region 3 Director
  2. Publicize to the Region 3 Committee, the awards available through the Region and the other IEEE entities. Encourage and, to the extent possible, support the recognition of Region 3 members for non-Region 3 IEEE awards.
  3. Actively encourage the Sections to nominate members for all appropriate awards and provide such aid as may be necessary for accurate, timely, and professional nominations.
  4. Present to the Executive Committee for approval the proposed awards recipients at the Executive\ Committee at least 45 days before the Awards Ceremony.
  5. Provide pertinent and timely information to the Region 3 Delegate/Director so the recipients can be notified promptly.
  6. Support the Region 3 Member Communications Committee in maximizing media exposure for award recipients, including the Region 3 Newsletter. Write an article announcing the winners if needed.
  7. Provide pertinent information on awards to the SoutheastCon General Chair so the awards program can be printed. In addition, recipient photos, citations, and short bio may be displayed during the Awards Ceremony.
  8. Ensure that the Awards Ceremony runs smoothly.
  9. Keep current documentation on Region awards and the overall management of the awards program in the Region. Update and maintain the Region 3 Awards and Recognition Program Manual.
  10. Manage the budget of the Awards and Recognition Program. Submit a preliminary committee budget to the Region 3 Treasurer prior to the fall Region 3 Executive Committee meeting. Assist the Region 3 Finance Committee in the preparation of the detailed annual budget of the ARC within the bounds of the funds of the Region as well as other funds that may be available.
    11. Actively encourage Sections and Chapters to recognize the accomplishments of their members.


For recipients of Region 3 awards, the honoree’s travel to and from the Region Awards Banquet and 1 night’s lodging is covered by Region 3 in accordance with the Region’s travel policy. Region 3 will also cover the honorees’ meals while traveling to, from, and during the 1 night’s stay for the recipient. Region 3 will also cover awards banquet expenses for 1 guest of the honoree.


The calendar for the high-level activities of the Awards Committee is online (even year) and (odd year). The committee will generally create a more detailed calendar for internal use.

   Year  Recipient Presentation
 2004  Daniel W. Jackson  Greensboro, NC
 2004  K. Reed Thompson  Greensboro, NC
 2008  Robert S. Duggan, Jr.  Huntsville, Al
 2009  Richard L. Riddle  Atlanta, GA
 2012  Roy H. Harris  Orlando, FL
 2013  David A. Conner  Jacksonville, FL
 2015  James M. Howard  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2015  William B. Ratcliff  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2016  David G. Green  Norfolk, VA
 2017  Lee Stogner  Charlotte/Concord, NC
 2021  William B. Harrison  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2021  Dale C. Caston  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2024  Mary Ellen Randall  Atlanta, GA
   Year  Recipient Presentation
 1999  Alabama Power  Lexington, KY
 2000  Marconi Commerce Systems Inc.  Nashville, TN
 2001  Radiance Technologies, Inc.  Columbia, SC
 2002  Dynetics, Inc.  Huntsville, AL
 2009  Siemens Energy and Automation  Atlanta, GA
 2013  Georgia Tech Research Institute  Jacksonville, FL
 2014  Southern Company  Lexington, KY
 2020  Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2022  Dynetics, Inc.  Mobile, AL
  Year   Recipient   Section   Presentation
 1984  George P. Rodrigue  Atlanta  Louisville, KY
 1985  Robert Bodenheimer  East Tennessee  Raleigh, NC
 1986  William A. Blackwell  Virginia Mountain  Richmond, VA
 1987  Joseph M. Biedenbach  Columbia  Tampa, FL
 1988  Daniel B. Hodge  Virginia Mountain  Knoxville, TN
 1989  J. David Irwin  Alabama  Columbia, SC
 1990  David A. Conner  Alabama  New Orleans, LA
 1991  Russell E. Trahan, Jr.  New Orleans  Williamsburg, VA
 1992  J. Robert Ashley  Florida West Coast  Birmingham, AL
 1993  Roger P. Webb  Atlanta  Charlotte, NC
 1994  T. Vaughn Blalock  East Tennessee  Miami, FL
 1995  Leonard L. Grigsby  Alabama  Raleigh, NC
 1996  Thomas K. Miller, III  Eastern North Carolina  Tampa, FL
 1997  David G. Green  Alabama  Blacksburg, VA
 1998  Bruce L. Walcott  Lexington  Orlando, FL
 1999  Gregg L. Vaughn  Alabama  Lexington, KY
 2000  Parveen Wahid  Orlando  Nashville, TN
 2001  K. B. Sundarum  Orlando  Clemson, SC
 2002  Alef Elsherbeni  Mississippi  Columbia, SC
 2003  Takis Kasparis  Orlando  Mona, Jamaica
 2004  Juin J. Liou  Orlando  Greensboro, NC
 2005  Mo-Yuen Chow  Eastern NC  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2006  Reza Adhami  Huntsville  Memphis, TN
 2007  Dr. James M. Conrad  Charlotte, NC  Richmond, VA
 2008  Ronald F. DeMara, Ph.D.  Orlando  Huntsville, AL
 2009  Paul Schnitzler, Ph.D  Florida West Coast  Atlanta,GA
 2010  Yogendra (Yogi) Kakad  Charlotte Section  Charlotte, NC
 2011  Dr. Ralph E. Fehr III  Florida West Coast  Nashville, TN
 2012  Dr. Deborah Sharer  Charlotte  Orlando, FL
 2013  Dr. Fernando Rios-Gutierrez  Savannah  Jacksonville, FL
 2014  Dr. Robert Cox  Charlotte  Lexington, KY
 2015  Dr. Dale W. Callahan  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2016  Dr. Mohammad Alam  Alabama  Norfolk, VA
 2017  Dr. John F. Naber  Charlotte/Concord, NC
 2018  Scott Clary  Orlando  Tampa Bay Area, FL
 2019  Dr. Rami J. Haddad  Savannah  Huntsville, AL
 2020  Pradeep Lall  Alabama  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2021  Dr. Huihui Helen Wang  Jacksonville  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2022  Hala ElAarag  Orlando  Mobile, AL
 2023  Varadraj Prabhu Gurupur  Orlando  Orlando, FL
 2024  Regina Hannemann  Lexington  Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient  Section  Presentation
 1971  John B. Pippin  Atlanta  Charlottesville, VA
 1971  William R. Brownlee  Charlottesville, VA
 1972  Rufus G. Fellers  Columbia  Knoxville, TN
 1973  Gerald G. Gould  Panama City  Louisville, KY
 1974  Samuel R. Hart  Alabama  Orlando, FL
 1975  James C. Wiltse, Jr.  Atlanta  Charlotte, NC
 1976  Robert S. Duggan, Jr.  Atlanta  Clemson, SC
 1977  T. Lamont Wilson  Louisville  Williamsburg, VA
 1978  Glen Robinson  Atlanta  Atlanta, GA
 1979  Morton I. Schwartz  Atlanta  Roanoke, VA
 1980  Robert O. Usry  Alabama  Nashville, TN
 1981  Jerry Vandegriff  Alabama  Huntsville, AL
 1982  Jack Davey  New Orleans  Destin, FL
 1983  Ronald Schafer  Atlanta  Orlando, FL
 1984  Allen H. Cherin  Atlanta  Louisville, KY
 1985  Robert Ashley  Florida West Coast  Raleigh, NC
 1986  David A. Conner  Alabama  Richmond, VA
 1987  Igor Alexeff  Oak Ridge  Tampa, FL
 1988  William Horton  Orlando  Knoxville, TN
 1989  Robert C. Smythe  Orlando  Columbia, SC
 1990  Carl Flick  Orlando  New Orleans, LA
 1991  William J. Lannes, III  New Orleans  Williamsburg, VA
 1992  Rafael C. Gonzalez  East Tennessee  Birmingham, AL
 1993  Ronald Nutt  East Tennessee  Charlotte, NC
 1994  Bimal K. Bose  East Tennessee  Miami, FL
 1995  Alvin W. Trivelpiece  Oak Ridge  Raleigh, NC
 1996  Thomas S. Key  East Tennessee  Tampa, FL
 1997  Belur V. Dasarathy  Huntsville  Blacksburg, VA
 1998  Lon W. Montgomery  Orlando  Orlando, FL
 1999  Darrell G. Piatt  Alabama  Lexington, KY
 2000  William J. Chimiak  Winston-Salem  Nashville, TN
 2001  Armando J. Vigil  Orlando  Clemson, SC
 2002  Willy Albanes  Huntsville  Columbia, SC
 2003  Neelkauth G. Dhere  Canaveral  Mona, Jamaica
 2004  Stanley Starr  Canaveral  Greensboro, NC
 2005  Robert Moog  Western NC  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2006  Eric R. Grigorian  Huntsville  Memphis, TN
 2007  Dr. Suresh Joshi  Hampton, Va.  Richmond, VA
 2008  Dr. Kalpathy B. Sundaram  Orlando  Huntsville, AL
 2009  Grayson W. Randall  Eastern North Carolina  Atlanta, GA
 2010  Dr. Dorota Temple  Charlotte, NC
 2011  Dr. Christine M. Belcastro  Nashville, TN
 2012  Dr. Zheng John Shen  Orlando  Orlando, FL
 2013  Dr. Mohammad S. Alam  Mobile  Jacksonville, FL
 2014  Dr. Frederick D. Esenwein  Charlotte  Lexington, KY
 2015  Dr. Vladimir I. Kolobov  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2016  Glenn Hopkins  Atlanta  Norfolk, VA
 2017  J. Michael Liptak  Charlotte/Concord, NC
 2018  Guoan Wang  Orlando  Tampa Bay Area, FL
 2019  Dr. Maryam Saeedifard  Atlanta  Huntsville, AL
 2020  Dr. Raziq Yaqub  Miami  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2021  Dr. Sherali Zeadally  Lexington  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2022  Vince D. Calhoun  Atlanta  Mobile, AL
 2023  Fa (Foster) Dai  Alabama  Orlando, FL
 2024  Samee U. Khan  Mississippi  Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient  Section  Presentation
 1995  M. Don Trundle  East Tennessee  Raleigh, NC
 1996  Vernon B. Powers  Atlanta  Tampa, FL
 2001  Charles Lord  Eastern North Carolina  Columbia, SC
 2013  Theresa Brunasso  Atlanta  Jacksonville, FL
 2013  David C. Schoggen  Mississippi  Jacksonville, FL
 2016  Ed Kirchner  Melbourne  Norfolk, VA
 2017  Mark Allen Weiss  Miami  Charlotte/Concor
 2019  Daniel W. McDonald  Eastern North Carolina  Huntsville, AL
 2020  Jim Howard  Florida West Coast  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2022  Joseph C. (Jay) Diepenbrock  Eastern North Carolina  Mobile, AL
 Year  Recipient  Section  Presentation
 1974  George H. Pierce  New Orleans  Orlando, FL
 1975  John S. Heintzman  Louisville  Charlotte, NC
 1976  Ben V. Martin  Charlotte  Clemson, SC
 1977  William C. Burnett  Atlanta  Williamsburg, VA
   1978  William L. Sullivan  Atlanta  Atlanta, GA
 1979  Larry K. Wilson  Nashville  Roanoke, VA
 1980  Robert S. Duggan, Jr.  Atlanta  Nashville, TN
 1981  Roy Harris  Central North Carolina  Huntsville, AL
 1982  Joseph M. Biedenbach  Columbia  Destin, FL
 1983  Russell E. Theisen  Orlando  Orlando, FL
 1984  David McLaren  Tampa  Louisville, KY
 1985  Vernon B. Powers  Florida West Coast  Raleigh, NC
 1986  K. Reed Thompson  Virginia Mountain  Richmond, VA
 1987  Claude Dale Bartlett  Atlanta  Tampa, FL
 1988  S. D. Moorer  Alabama  Knoxville, TN
 1989  James C. Wiltse  Atlanta  Columbia, SC
 1990  Dewey G. Albritton  New Orleans  New Orleans, LA
 1991  James M. White  Charlotte  Williamsburg, VA
 1992  Richard E. Beatie  Florida West Coast  Birmingham, AL
 1993  Daniel W. Jackson  Virginia Mountain  Charlotte, NC
 1994  David A. Conner  Alabama  Miami, FL
 1995  David G. Green  Alabama  Raleigh, NC
 1996  James M. Howard  Florida West Coast  Tampa, FL
 1997  Deborah M. Powers  Atlanta  Blacksburg, VA
 1998  Allan H. Long  Memphis  Orlando, FL
 1999  James H. Beal  Florida West Coast  Lexington, KY
 2000  Donald W. Hill  Lexington  Nashville, TN
 2001  Robert Ashley  Florida West Coast  Clemson, SC
 2002  Arthur Greene  Canaveral  Columbia, SC
 2003  Percy (Butch) Shadwell  Jacksonville  Mona, Jamaica
 2004  Richard L. Riddle  Winston-Salem  Greensboro, NC
 2005  David G. Green  Alabama  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2006  Carl Leonard Hussey  West Palm Beach  Memphis, TN
 2007  Halden A. Morris Ph.D., P.E.  Jamaica  Richmond, VA
 2008  Charles E. Hickman, Ph.D., PE  Alabama  Huntsville, AL
 2009  Thomas Bellarmine , Ph.D.  Tallahassee  Atlanta, GA
 2010  Martin Stephen Karlovic  Orlando  Charlotte, NC
 2011  Dr. Kalpathy B. Sundaram  Orlando  Nashville, TN
 2012  Dr. James A. Anderson  Florida West Coast  Orlando, FL
 2013  Dr. W. Dev Palmer  Eastern North Carolina  Jacksonville, FL
 2014  Dr. Donghui Wu  Orlando  Lexington, KY
 2015  William M. LaBelle, Jr  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2016  Sam Connor  Eastern North Carolina  Norfolk, VA
 2017  Dr. Stevo M. Bozinovski  Columbia  Charlotte/Concord, NC
 2018  Theresa Brunasso  Atlanta  Tampa Bay Area, FL
 2019  Tim Forrest, CET  Eastern North Carolina  Huntsville, AL
 2020  Hermann Amaya, E.E.  Florida West Coast  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2022  Sharlene Brown  Jamaica  Mobile, AL
 2023  Sonya L. Dillard  Huntsville  Orlando, FL
 2024  David C. Wright  Eastern North Carolina  Atlanta, GA
 Year  Section  Area/Council  Presentation
 1982  Alabama  Area 6  Birmingham, AL
 Orlando  Area 4/FL  Orlando, FL
 1983  Atlanta  Area 3  Atlanta, GA
 Virginia Mountain  Area 1/VA  Roanoke, VA
 1984  Alabama  Area 6  Birmingham, AL
 Huntsville  Area 6  Atlanta, GA
 Louisville  Area 8  Louisville, KY
 Tri-Cities  Area 5/TN  Bristol, TN
 1985  Alabama  Area 6  Raleigh, NC
 Chattanooga  Area 5/TN  Raleigh, NC
 Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  Raleigh, NC
 Huntsville  Area 6  Raleigh, NC
 Louisville  Area 8  Raleigh, NC
 Middle Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Raleigh, NC
 New Orleans  Area 6  Raleigh, NC
 Piedmont  Area 7/SC  Raleigh, NC
 Tri-Cities  Area 5/TN  Raleigh, NC
 1986  Alabama  Area 6  Richmond, VA
 East Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Richmond, VA
 Eastern North Carolina  Area 2/NC  Richmond, VA
 Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  Richmond, VA
 Huntsville  Area 6  Richmond, VA
 1987  Alabama  Area 6  Tampa, FL
 Atlanta  Area 3  Tampa, FL
 Eastern North Carolina  Area 2/NC  Tampa, FL
 Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  Tampa, FL
 Louisville  Area 8  Tampa, FL
 Oak Ridge  Area 5/TN  Tampa, FL
 Palm Beach  Area 4/FL  Tampa, FL
 1988  Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  Knoxville, TN
 Louisville  Area 8  Knoxville, TN
 New Orleans  Area 6  Knoxville, TN
 1989  Alabama  Area 6  Columbia, SC
 Columbia  Area 7/SC  Columbia, SC
 East Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Columbia, SC
 Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  Columbia, SC
 Louisville  Area 8  Columbia, SC
 Memphis  Area 5/TN  Columbia, SC
 New Orleans  Area 6  Columbia, SC
 West Palm Beach  Area 4/FL  Columbia, SC
 1990  Alabama  Area 6  New Orleans, LA
 Evansville/Owensboro  Area 8  New Orleans, LA
 Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  New Orleans, LA
 New Orleans  Area 6  New Orleans, LA
 1991  Alabama  Area 6  Williamsburg, VA
 East Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Williamsburg, VA
 Evansville/Owensboro  Area 8  Williamsburg, VA
 Memphis  Area 5/TN  Williamsburg, VA
 Nashville  Area 5/TN  Williamsburg, VA
 New Orleans  Area 6  Williamsburg, VA
 Palm Beach  Area 4/FL  Williamsburg, VA
 1992  Chattanooga  Area 5/TN  Birmingham, AL
 East Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Birmingham, AL
 Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  Birmingham, AL
 Memphis  Area 5/TN  Birmingham, AL
 Middle Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Birmingham, AL
 Nashville  Area 5/TN  Birmingham, AL
 New Orleans  Area 6  Birmingham, AL
 Orlando  Area 4/TN  Birmingham, AL
 Winston-Salem  Area 2/NC  Birmingham, AL
 1993  Alabama  Area 6  Charlotte, NC
 East Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Charlotte, NC
 Florida West Coast  Area 4/FL  Charlotte, NC
 New Orleans  Area 6  Charlotte, NC
 Orlando  Area 4/FL  Charlotte, NC
 1994  Alabama  Area 6  Miami, FL
 East TN  Area 5/TN  Miami, FL
 New Orleans  Area 6  Miami, FL
 Orlando  Area 4/FL  Miami, FL
 1995  Alabama  Area 6  Birmingham, AL
 Chattanooga  Area 5/TN  Raleigh, NC
 East Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Raleigh, NC
 Memphis  Area 5/TN  Memphis, TN
 New Orleans  Area 6  New Orleans, LA
 1996  Alabama  Area 5/TN  Tampa, FL
 East Tennessee  Area 5/TN  Tampa, FL
 Lexington  Area 8  Lexington, KY
 Oak Ridge  Area 5/TN  Tampa, FL
 2022  Florida West Coast  Area 3  Mobile, AL
 2023  Atlanta  Area 2  Orlando, FL
 2024  Orlando  Area 3  Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient Section  Citation  Presentation
 2019  Virginia Mountain  Most Improved/td>  Huntsville, AL
 2019  Jamaica  Strongest Performance  Huntsville, AL
 2020  Eastern North Carolina  Most Improved  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2020  Atlanta  Strongest Performance  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2021  Melbourne  Most Improved  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2021  East Tennessee  Strongest Performance  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2024  Central Savannah River  Largest Percentage  Atlanta, GA
 2024  Florida West Coast  Global Leader  Atlanta, GA
 2024  Eastern North Carolina  Best In-Section Support  Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient  Section  Presentation
 2021  Tamseel Mahmood Syed  Atlanta  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2022  Eric S. Cramer  Melbourne  Mobile, AL
 2023  Vineetha Menon  Huntsville  Orlando, FL
 2023  Vishwas Powar  Piedmont  Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient  Presentation
 2014  William B. Ratcliff  Lexington, KY
 2014  Dr. Regina Hannemann  Lexington, KY
 2015  Jill I. Gostin  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2015  Mary Lynn Smith  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2016  Gregg Vaughn  Norfolk, VA
 2016  Mark Torres  Norfolk, VA
 2017  Mauricio Cano  Charlotte/Concord, NC
 2017  Dr. J. Patrick Donohoe  Charlotte/Concord, NC
 2019  E. Chase Battaglio, P.E  Huntsville, AL
 2019  J. Ken Pigg  Huntsville, AL
 2020  Kristin Bing, PhD  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2021  Charles Lord  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2022  Hasala Dharmawardena  Mobile, AL
 2023  Nelson E. Lourenco  Orlando, FL
 2024  Andrew Seely Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient  Presentation
 2014  Don Hill  Lexington, KY
 2015  Dr. Eric S. Ackerman  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2015  Dr. Carlos Cabrera  Fort Lauderdale, FL
 2016  Sean Haynes  Norfolk, VA
 2017  Charles Lord  Charlotte/Concord, NC
 2018  Claude Pitts  Tampa Bay Area, FL
 2018  Jim Howard  Tampa Bay Area, FL
 2019  Mr. Eric Grigorian, P.E., PMP  Huntsville, AL
 2020  Charles Lord  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2020  Parag Upadhyay, PhD  Raleigh, NC (Virtual)
 2021  Wyman L. Williams, PhD  Atlanta, GA (Virtual)
 2022  Warren Nicholson  Mobile, AL
 2022  Mohamed El-Sharkh  Mobile, AL
 2023  Vineetha Menon  Orlando, FL
 2024  Alessio Medda, PhD  Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient  Section  Presentation
 2023  Melody Richardson Atlanta  Orlando, FL
 Year  Recipient  Area  Presentation
 2023  University of Florida Student Branch  Area 5  Orlando, FL
 2024  Jacksonville State University Branch  Area 2   Atlanta, GA
 2024  University of Central Florida Student Branch  Area 3   Atlanta, GA
 Year  Recipient  University  Section  Presentation
 2024  Yang Liu  Central North Carolina A&T State University  Central North Carolina  Atlanta, GA