October 2023 Meeting Announcements
This is your Monthly Member Communication – October 2023 Edition
Greetings R3 Members,
Happy fall and hopefully everyone will be enjoying a safe and restful fall break. Please check out the upcoming meetings this month. Members are also encouraged to participate in at least one IEEE Day event anytime this week. IEEE Day is October 3rd, and the theme is “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow!” Our challenge is to have 100% participation in IEEE day from all our R3 Sections and Members. IEEE Day activities and photos will be shared via the Region 3 website, located at: https://r3.ieee.org/
October 2023 – Region 3 Announcements & Upcoming Virtual Meetings
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Are you interested in Volunteering within your local IEEE Section or within Region 3?
The 2023 Region 3 theme is: “Reinvigorating Our Volunteer Base”. You can volunteer for small things that make a big impact! Volunteering offers flexibility within IEEE. Through this platform, IEEE members will be able to advertise and search for volunteering opportunities, be it short- or long-term, local or remote, or requiring different skills. Also, inquire about micro-volunteer opportunities. Use the volunteer platform to sign-up, https://volunteer.ieee.org
We are pleased to announce that the Region 3 wiki is now live! Go to https://kb.ieee.org/r3 to get answers to your IEEE R3 questions. If you have more questions, leave a message on the page or email r3-ssc@ieee.org
SAC Training is Back! This is a one-stop platform for all questions regarding branch reporting, events, and funding. Register for upcoming training on this link. https://bit.ly/SAC-training Recordings for the past training sessions, are on the IEEE.tv on this link: https://ieeetv.ieee.org/channels/students
Introducing the R3 SAC Newsletter Series! With the leadership and initiation of Bailey Heyman, R3 Chair of the Students Activities Committee (SAC), we have launched an R3 SAC specific newsletter series targeted specifically for Student Branches and students for exploring IEEE opportunities. We will be posting these newsletters on the R3 Website. https://r3.ieee.org/
Annual Awards Deadlines:
Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Awards (October 15): https://mga.ieee.org/awards
2024 Region 3 Awards: 1 December 2023 (nominations will open in July)
Virtual and Hybrid Meetings:
Tuesday – October 3rd, 2023 (7:00pm – 8:00pm CST) Region 3 IEEE Day Event
“Making IEEE Your Professional Home to Grow in Your Career”, Moderator: Sharlene Brown, Jamaica Section
All members are invited to this IEEE Day event! IEEE Day is an annual event to promote engineering, where thousands of IEEE members in local communities join to collaborate on ideas that leverage technology for a better tomorrow”. Join us virtually in Region 3 as we host our session on “Making IEEE Your Professional Home to Grow in your Career”. We will have a panel of R3 Leaders discussing recruiting new members and volunteers, IEEE students achieving success on campus, what’s going on with WIE, Young Professionals, Professional Activities and member engagement/retention. Speakers will share with new university students, how they can grow in their career with IEEE as their choice of professional organization. This is a powerful hour of knowledge sharing that you don’t want to miss!
Registration Website Link: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/372575
Virtual Meeting Link: Will be provided to virtual registrants the day before the event.
Tuesday – October 17th, 2023 (7:00pm – 8:00pm EDT) Region 3, Hosted By: Charles Lord
“Is Hydrogen Better than Batteries? The Future of Electrification”, By: Stan Thompson
The talk will be about disparities between the present media notion of “electrification” and some long-term realities that may not align with it and how hydrail and other H2 applications enhance post-carbon feasibility. The government/media take on “electrification” is simplistic and, from a futurist’s perspective, looks unlikely. Essentially all major builders of airplanes and their engines, trucks, ships and trains have published their intent to focus on hydrogen because of range. But the prime attractor of an ultimate hydrogen economy is the technology’s ability to move electricity in space and time with much less battery capacity. When, in 2013, the hydrail story was finally heard over the car electrification noise, other heavy mobility applications soon pivoted as well. The limited copper in Earth’s crust has to mediate the interplay of current, magnetism and motion forever—serving all the motors, generators and transformers that universal electrification implies. Hydrogen tech can move power without copper (or less conductive metals) and can store it indefinitely in the process. The hydrail transition is one early step toward a copper-thrifty future.
Registration Website Link: https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/weblink/register/rdefd39c5601cea39a2ac3e6c9088fb59
Virtual Meeting Link: Will be provided to virtual registrants the day before the event.
Tuesday – October 24th – 27th, 2023 (7:00am – 1:00pm CDT) Region 3 IEEE Educational Activities
“IEEE STEM Summit”, Virtual event Hosted By: Pre-University Coordinating Committee
IEEE President Saifur Rahman and IEEE Educational Activities Vice President Rabab Ward will kick off the event on Tuesday 24 October at 10am ET. During this welcome session, President Rahman will speak about climate change. Welcome program and schedule information can be found here:
In past years, hundreds of participants used the Summit as a chance to pose questions to award-winning educators and knowledgeable volunteers, who offered practical advice on how to plan interesting and effective STEM outreach activities for school-aged children. Our program will feature four keynote speakers, as well as sessions on STEM outreach resources. IEEE Volunteers will also present sessions related to their technical affiliations and affinity groups.
Registration Website Link: https://www.airmeet.com/e/ec95ffe0-32ca-11ee-bd48-530b55b72a88
Virtual Meeting Link: Will be provided to virtual registrants the day before the event.
Thursday – October 26th, 2023 (10:00am – 12:00pm EST) FWCS PES/IAS
Florida Laws & Rules and Ethics for Professional Engineers, By: Art Nordlinger
The Rules and Laws That Govern the Practice of Engineering in Florida. This course is at a basic to intermediate level. Covering these topics: Florida Statute 471 – Engineering, FBPE and FEMC, Florida Administrative Code, and Updates from NCEES and FBPE.
Ethics and the Practice of Engineering in Florida. This course is at a basic to intermediate level. Covering these topics: Basic Engineering Ethics Precepts, Florida Administrative Code 61G15, and Recent Cases and Examples.
Registration Website Link: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/359432
Virtual Meeting Link: meet.google.com/zoo-zybs-gdq
Looking forward to seeing you all at a Region 3 event real soon!
Sonya Dillard, Chair
R3 Member Communications Committee (MCC)