February 2021 Meeting Announcements
Region 3 Members,
This is your Monthly Member Communication – February 2021 Edition
Hello Everyone,
There were a few more urgent meetings that needed to be added to this month’s announcements. The MOVE training sessions are added below and hopefully, you will want to attend. Listed below is are some shared technologies and virtual continuous learning events that you may be interested in registering for. Please browse through these virtual meetings, and hopefully share the invites with a few friends!
February 2021 – Region 3 Virtual Meetings & Announcements
Tuesday – February 9th, 2021 (8:00 PM to 9:30 PM ET) Region 3 Training
MOVE Training 3-Part Training on Tuesdays – 2/9, 2/16, and 2/23 (8:00pm – 9:30PM ET)
MOVE is offering a 3 part, Virtual, Operations Class. This class is required for everyone interested in deploying on the MOVE truck or has a general interest in the program. It is required for new MOVE members and recommended as a refresher for those that have previously taken it. We discuss what to expect when deploying, what equipment is on the MOVE truck, and several safety procedures when working around the truck. This is a virtual class that is broken up into 3 required 1.5 hour sessions.
MOVE is an IEEEUSA initiative where IEEE volunteers help with both natural disaster relief and STEM educational efforts. Centered around the MOVE truck and its capabilities, MOVE volunteers learn about the truck capabilities, how to operate safely as a MOVE team member, what to expect on a deployment and what is expected. Come join the exciting MOVE team and provide comfort for people who have been impacted by a natural disaster.
Register below – Once you register, you will be sent credentials for the class.
Register here: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/256485
Tuesday – February 9th, 2021 (11:30am – 12:30pm CST) Huntsville Section
IEEE TEMS Tuesdays: An Ethical Conversation, By: Griffin Pritchard
This presentation changes from group to group and is ever-evolving. Today’s version focuses on the importance of being an engineer and the responsibility they hold to the community. With great knowledge and power, comes great responsibility. Griffin Pritchard is in his sixth year as Public Information Specialist for the Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors (BELS). He is neither an engineer nor a land surveyor but has had a 20-plus year career in the media profession before entering into state services. He is a graduate of The Troy State University with degrees in print journalism and sports information and relishes any opportunity to be in front of a crowd as a professional mouthpiece.
Registration Website Link: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/260434
Virtual Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/upq-dnvz-iik
Friday – February 12th, 2021 (8:00am – 4:30pm EST) Florida West Coast Section
Arc Flash – Update and Training on NFPA 70E-2021, By: John Leedy, PE
This training session will be devoted to the subject of Electrical Safety in the workplace. Topics such as “how does electrical safety and the NFPA-70E apply to the workplace” and “what is required to be compliant with the standards” will be covered. A copy of the standard, NFPA-70E-2021 Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace is included in the training costs. 8CEH’s will be offered. (This is a value of $75)
Registration Website Link: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/247106
Virtual Meeting: (Meeting link will be emailed in advance of the event to all registrants.)
Wednesday – February 17th, 2021 (7:00pm – 8:00pm EST) Melbourne Section, Power and Energy Society
Modern Power Quality Analysis, By: Naomichi Miyairi/Product Marketing Engineer, Jennifer Park, Manager
An overview will be provided on what power quality is and how to evaluate power quality in real-world scenarios. We will introduce the most common causes of power quality issues and the impact of the power waveform.
This event is Co-sponsored by Hioki Power Measurement Equipment.
Registration Website Link: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/246894
Virtual Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/dir-evqq-edc
Thursday – March 11th, 2021 (6:00pm – 7:30pm EST) Florida West Coast Section
Google PageRank & Beyond, By: Michael A. Mayor, MSE, PE
This presentation covers the science of search engine rankings developed by Google. This is a multinational, publicly traded, company very well known in the Internet, built around the hugely successful search engine. In fact, the search engine and particularly the mathematics behind it, is one of the reasons of Google’s huge success in the Internet arena.
Registration Website Link: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/255668
Virtual Meeting: (Meeting link will be emailed in advance of the event to all registrants.)
Wednesday – Sunday, March 10th – 14th, 2021 (All Day Events) Region 3 Conference
SoutheastCon 2021: Engineers connecting the World
Register is now open for the 2021 SoutheastCon. SoutheastCon 2021 has moved to a fully virtual platform! The planning committee is working hard to give you the BEST virtual experience that 2021 has to offer. The conference will have many of the same tracks you’ve seen and love, as well as some innovative new items hosted on a virtual platform. The IEEE SoutheastCon 2021 Committee is closely monitoring developments related to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic. Health and safety of our participants is the number one priority of our committee. The committee is working diligently with IEEE and SAC to define a course of action that will take local regulations into consideration while ensuring that the hard work of our authors and students are not minimized by the impact of this pandemic. If you plan on submitting a paper for this conference, the deadline is 1/10/2021, which is quickly approaching!
Registration Website Link: https://attend.ieee.org/southeastcon-2021/
Looking forward to seeing you all at these meetings. Stay warm and stay safe!
Sonya Dillard, Chair
R3 Member Communications Committee