May 2022 Meeting Announcements
Region 3 Member Communications – May 2022 Announcements & Upcoming Virtual Mtgs.
This is your Monthly Member Communication – May 2022 Edition
Region 3 Members,
Are you getting ready for the summer? Well, I certainly am. This month I will be enjoying Cinco de Mayo, and Memorial Day Holiday. We have lots to share with you this month, so take a look below and get involved in a local meeting or even a virtual hybrid meeting. All Sections have been challenged to start posting photos of their live events on our social media platforms and the Region 3 website, located at:
And of course, lest I forget… May the 4th Be with you! Happy Star Wars Day… Enjoy some technical topics on this special day!
May 2022 – Region 3 Announcements & Upcoming Virtual Meetings
(*NOTE*) If you do not want to continue receiving these messages, please go into your account and edit your profile preferences to NOT receive these eNotices. IEEE Members can edit their own profile management preferences. Volunteers cannot edit email preferences for you. See detailed instructions at the bottom of this message.
SoutheastCon, 2022 in Mobile, Alabama
This year’s SoutheastCon photos have been posted to our Region 3 Website at:
Last Call for Nominations!! – 2022 MGA Outstanding Section Awards – Deadline May 15th
Each year, the MGA Outstanding Section Awards are presented to one large, one medium, and one small Section (across all Regions), to recognize their excellent work and successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public. The recipient Sections are acknowledged for maintaining, enhancing, and supporting the Student Branches, Technical Chapters, and Affinity Groups within their geographic boundaries.
Three awards are presented, as follows:
- Large Section = 1,501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year,
- Medium Section = 501-1,500 members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year,
- Small Section = 500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year.
To nominate your Section for the MGA Outstanding Large, Medium, or Small Section Award, please go to:
Region 3 Newsletter: “Face to Face Again” – Get your article submissions in by May 15th
It is time for the next issue of the Region 3 newsletter. This issue will be sent to all members in the region.
Please contact the editors for any articles in the newsletter that may be of interest to members of your section or chapter.
Email William LaBelle (Editor) at and Evelyn Licona (Assistant Editor) at
Virtual and Hybrid Meetings:
Tuesday – May 3rd, 2022 (4:00pm – 5:00pm Pacific PDT) Joint with Seattle & Melbourne Section
IEEE Patents For Engineers By: Mike Brisbois, and the IEEE PES Power & Energy Society
Speaker: Bobby Soltani, of the IEEE Patents for Engineers of Seed Intellectual Property Law Group, LLP.
This presentation is an introductory primer on patent law and practice for scientists, engineers and managers involved in business and technology. The presentation will provide an overview of patent protection and trade secret protection and covers the fundamentals of how to identify and document an invention and apply for a patent application. Attendees will become familiar with the types of patent applications, patentability requirements, the parts of a patent application, and the prosecution process for getting a patent application allowed before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: Link will be emailed to registrants.
Wednesday – May 4th, 2022 (12:00pm – 1:00pm EST) Atlanta Section
Input Intelligence on Mobile Devices, By: Dr. Jerome Bellegarda of Apple, Inc.
Over the past decade, the confluence of sophisticated algorithms and tools, computational infrastructure, and data science has fueled a machine learning revolution across multiple fields, including speech and handwriting recognition, natural language processing, computer vision, social network filtering, and machine translation. Ensuing advances are changing the way we interact with technology in our daily lives. This is particularly salient when it comes to user input on mobile devices, be it speech, handwriting, touch, keyboard, or camera input. Increased input intelligence boosts device responsiveness across languages, improving not only basic abilities like tokenization, named entity recognition and part-of-speech tagging, but also more advanced capabilities like statistical language modeling and question answering. In this talk, I will give selected examples of what we are doing at Apple to impart input intelligence to mobile devices, with two overarching themes as sub-text: (i) enhancing interaction experience through machine learning, and (ii) transforming users’ digital lives without sacrificing their privacy.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link:
Wednesday – May 4th, 2022 (6:00pm – 7:00pm EST) Florida West Coast Section
An Introduction to the Python Programming Language, By: Python & Joint AES, and Computer Society
The Python programming language is currently one of the most popular languages to learn. Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Its language constructs aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small- and large-scale projects. In this one-hour presentation, we’ll cover how you can get set up to program in the Python language, the key aspects of the language, and how you can start to create working Python programs quickly and easily.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: This meeting will be conducted online using Google Meet. The link will be distributed to all participants on the day of the event.
Thursday – May 5th, 2022 (1:00pm – 2:00pm CST) Mississippi Section
IEEE Mississippi Young Professionals (YP) Meeting, Effective Public Speaking for Career Success
By: Laurel Gorman
Laurel Gorman earned her Bachelor of Science from University of Florida and Master of Science in Geology from University of Mississippi. Laurel started her Corps of Engineers career in 1983 working for the Vicksburg District. Later, she transferred to US Army Engineer Research and Development Center working at the Coastal Hydraulic Laboratory to pursue research in coastal geology and Information Technology Laboratory to pursue GIS opportunities. Since 1993, Laurel has worked in the CAD/BIM Technology Center. She has contributed to research on the following: sea-level rise; site investigations to build flood control structures; database standards and design for geologic, geotechnical, and biologic standards. Currently, she serves as ERDC POC for geotechnical software IT issues.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link:
Thursday – May 5th, 2022 (7:00pm – 8:00pm EST) Joint in Richmond, Virginia, and Washington
IEEE NOVA WIE – Career Networking and Mentoring, By: Four Distinguished Panelists
Network and Mentoring?
- Hear from our four panelists about the possibilities and career path in academic and industry
- Learn how to benefit from network from IEEE and mentoring
- Q & A session for individual questions
- Submit your questions to
Meet our Panelists:
1) Dr. Kiki Ikossi, NSF AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow
2) Dr. Yuji Zhang, Associate Professor at the University of Maryland
3) Nadim Haddad, IEEE Life Fellow
4) Martin Schulman, Technical Director of Broadcom
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: Link will be provided to all registrants on the day of the event.
Thursday – May 12th, 2022 (11:45am – 1:00pm New York) Florida West Coast Section
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven iDERMS Solution for Utility Scale Renewable Power Plants (Lunch-N-Learn), By: Girish Sekar, MS of Veritone and Brian Buckley, PE of Tampa Electric Company
Distributed energy resources can deliver significant value to grid operators, consumers, and the environment, by improving grid reliability, resilience, and meeting decarbonization targets. However, this doesn’t come without challenges.
This webinar will provide an overview of challenges and benefits of operating a utility scale renewable power plant, and the role an intelligent distributed energy resource management system (iDERMS) plays in it. Using real-life examples and results, you will learn how to plan, optimize, and control multiple DERs – solar and battery storage – to improve overall grid reliability and maximize your DER investments. We will also introduce Veritone’s Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven iDERMS solution and show how a renewable plant can benefit from the power of the AI.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: Link will be emailed to registrants.
Thursday – May 12th, 2022 (6:30pm – 7:30pm EST) Charlotte Section YP Affinity Group
Mentorship & Young Professional Development, By: Joshua Timm, and Young Professionals
Come receive a greater passion for the lifelong love of learning! Your learning shouldn’t end when you graduate from college. Where do you turn to when you no longer have a degree program curriculum or course syllabus to roadmap your development plan? You can’t expect your employer to provide clear guidance on the next steps to reach your dream Electrical Engineering career path. You are your greatest investment. You must take the initiative to steer your own journey. You are not alone. Come be inspired to seek out mentors and invest in your own professional development goals.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link:
Saturday – May 14th, 2022 (12:00pm – 5:00pm ET) Region 3
Senior Member Roundup By: Andrew Seely, Region 3 Senior Member Coordinator
Our recurring Region 3 event is a live interview via Zoom to complete senior member nomination packages in advance of the A&A panel meeting. We provide nominations and reference providers. If you are an IEEE member in good standing with more than 10 years of professional experience, you may qualify to be recognized as a senior member. Advance registration for this event is required to provide time for your nomination package to be prepared. All IEEE members are welcome to join and observe, but advance coordination is required to facilitate assignment of references to candidates. Please see for details on the senior membership rank. Please contact Andrew Seely, Region 3 senior member coordinator, for more details.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link:
Wednesday – May 18th, 2022 (4:00pm – 5:00pm EST) Coastal South Carolina Section
Virtual Tour – South Carolina Aeronautical Training Center, By: Greg Cushing at SCATC
We are returning virtually to the South Carolina Aeronautical Training Center (SCATC). If you could not make the in-person tour in April, join this virtual tour of their wonderful facilities. The 3-story facility houses high-tech manufacturing programs, aeronautical studies programs, engineering technology and engineering transfer courses, SC’s Boeing training and advanced manufacturing training. This tour will cover the Trident Tech training areas on the first two floors.
Programs at the facility include: Aircraft Assembly Technology, Avionics Maintenance Technology
Composite Manufacturing Technology (new program), Engineering, Advanced Automation, Mechatronics
Basic Machining and CNC Fundamentals.
See more about the training center’s offerings at
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: A WebEx Link will be emailed to registrants.
Thursday – May 19th, 2022 (6:00pm – 8:40pm EST) Florida West Coast Section
Of Blockchains, Crypto and NFTS: Essential Blockchain and Crypto Mechanics for Engineers,
By: Joint Chapter AES & Computer Society
This talk serves as an introduction to important Web3 technologies such as DAOs, blockchains, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and has special focus on blockchain and crypto mechanics. Consensus algorithms, random number generators, and use of cryptographic hash functions will be discussed as well as “proof-of-work” and “proof-of-stake” techniques employed by most common cryptocurrencies. The aim of this talk is to provide a deeper level of understanding of these technologies than the overly simplistic and often inaccurate explanations of blockchain typically espoused by the media.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link:
Monday – May 23rd, 2022 (7:00pm – 8:00pm EDT) Richmond Section, Computer Society
WIE Tech Meeting – Movable Bridges, By: Multiple Panelists
Did you have to deal with the Log4j or Spring4Shell vulnerability? How much time have you spent just tracking down whether your company’s software was affected by these problems? How prepared are you for dealing with the next Zero Day vulnerability? Join us for this panel session to discuss the role of a Software Bill of Materials as part of your software development process.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: Link will be emailed to registrants.
Wednesday – May 25th, 2022 (12:00pm – 1:00pm EST) Florida West Coast Section
WIE Tech Meeting – Movable Bridges, By: WIE International Network Connections
Join us, the IEEE WIE and YP from the Region 3 FWCS on this technical presentation about Movable Bridges. Speakers will be Diana Jandreski and Farid Amador. This is our first technical event for 2022 for the WINC program (WIE International Network Connections). You don’t want to miss this technical interchange!
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: Google Meet Link will be emailed to registrants.
Saturday – June 4th, 2022 (8:00am – 9:00pm ET) Region 3
Region 3 Senior Member Roundup, By: Andrew Seeley, Senior Member Coordinator
Our recurring Region 3 event is a live interview via Zoom to complete senior member nomination packages in advance of the A&A panel meeting. We provide nominations and reference providers. If you are an IEEE member in good standing with more than 10 years of professional experience, you may qualify to be recognized as a senior member. Advance registration for this event is required to provide time for your nomination package to be prepared. All IEEE members are welcome to join and observe, but advance coordination is required to facilitate assignment of references to candidates. Please see for details on the senior membership rank. Please contact Andrew Seely, Region 3 senior member coordinator, for more details.
Registration Website Link:
Virtual Meeting Link: Link will be emailed to registrants.
Looking forward to seeing you all at our upcoming meetings in 2022.
Sonya Dillard, Chair
R3 Member Communications Committee