IEEE Region 3 Nominations and Appointments Information
The Nominations and Appointments Committee (N&A) shall serve as the Nominating Committee for Director-Elect as required in the IEEE MGA Operations Manual and Region 3 Bylaws. Additionally, the committee shall solicit nominations and recommend candidates for the other Region 3 officers, committee chairs, committee members, and IEEE leadership positions.
- The Nominations and Appointments Committee Chair shall have been a recent Region 3 Delegate/Director.
- The two most recent past Region 3 Delegate/Directors (not the chair) who are willing to serve shall be members.
- The Young Professionals Coordinator shall be a member.
- No potential candidate for Region 3 Delegate/Director Elect can serve on the Nominating Committee.
The Nominations and Appointments Committee shall:
- Produce a list of nominees for the office of Delegate/Director-Elect for submission to the Region 3 Committee in accordance with Article III, Section 5 of the Region 3 Bylaws. Prior to submitting the list of nominees to the ExCom, the committee chair will submit the list to IEEE Annual Election Support staff ( for the required vetting process.
- Report the approved list of nominees for the office of Delegate/Director-Elect to the IEEE Operations Center by the required deadline.
- Nominate candidates for all Region 3 Committee Chairs and Members as appropriate and supply these nominations to the Delegate/Director.
- Solicit potential candidates to be considered by the IEEE Nominations and Appointments Committee and the MGA Nominations and Appointments Committee for service on IEEE Committees and Boards.