
March 2023 Meeting Announcements

Greetings Region 3,
Spring is in the air! Wherever you are, hopefully you are taking some time out to enjoy the fresh air.  It’s Spring Break and we are visiting West Palm Beach in Florida, which is a beautiful part of our region.  The sand is …

February 2023 Meeting Announcements

This is your Monthly Member Communication – February 2023 Edition
Greetings Region 3,
I hope you have seen our Newsletter that was just released. The main theme is “New Year, New World Connections”. Let’s make it a point this year to use our technology and make some …

December 2022 Meeting Announcements

Greetings Region 3,
Wow, this year has flown by so fast! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere.  This weekend, your Region 3 Executive Committee is in Orlando, Florida planning regional goals for 2023 and solidifying logistics for the 2023 SoutheastCon.  Make sure to …

November 2022 Meeting Announcements

Greetings Region 3,
The IEEE membership is thankful in November.  This month we want to make sure to extend a helping hand to those in need in our local communities. Although we should be doing this year-round, this month our Sections should make a point of …

Lifestyle as Medicine

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October 2022 Meeting Announcements

This is your Monthly Member Communication – October 2022 Edition
Greetings Region 3,
Happy October everyone!  October is very important to all of us as IEEE members, because tomorrow is global IEEE Day! We are celebrating IEEE and spreading awareness of this great organization worldwide.  All Region …

September 2022 Meeting Announcements

Greetings Region 3,
Welcome to September and Reflection Friday!  Labor Day weekend is often filled with backyard barbeques, parades, and trips to the pool, celebrating the unofficial end of summer. Let’s reflect on this Labor Day as we honor our working class, those that paved the …

August 2022 Meeting Announcements

This is your Monthly Member Communication – August 2022 Edition
Greetings Region 3,
Well, everyone it’s officially back-to-school season.  Whether it is today or within the next 2 weeks, all the students are getting started in their “New Normal” routines. IEEE Local Sections should be connecting with …

July 2022 Meeting Announcements

This is your Monthly Member Communication – July 2022 Edition
Greetings Region 3,
I am sitting here in a hotel room near Capitol Hill, reflecting on our blessings of being citizens of this great Nation. We have endured some of the worst things in our Nation’s history …

June 2022 Meeting Announcements

Region 3 Members,
We are running strong into the second half of the year, and we had lots of new in-person technical meetings.  Hopefully all of our Sections will have an in-person summer social, so take this time to connect with your local Section and see …